Wish For You Every Night

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Chapter by Cassie_whitaker

Maya's POV: I woke up and there was a glass of juice beside me. I picked it up and took a sip then I took the glass and walked out. The first thing I saw was Andy asleep on the couch and I felt bad for taking over his bed.

"Andy" I said going over to him and shaking him.

"What" He asked with his eyes still closed.

"You can have your bed back"

"No it's fine, you can sleep in it"

"Andy I'll feel bad if you sleep out here"

"Well I'll feel bad if you do too"

"You're sleeping in your bed" I argued.

"No you are" He replied.


"That doesn't sound like a bad idea to me" Andy said smirking.

"Hmm I don't know"

"Ava is sleeping with Jayy so it's not like she'll judge you"

"I'm not worried about her judging me, she's my best friend she would high five me for getting to sleep with you"

"What would she do if I did this" He said and then he put his lips on mine.

"She wouldn't believe it" I said smiling as we pulled apart.

"So, do you want to both sleep in my bed?"

"Sure just keep your hands to yourself"

"I will"

We went back to his room and got user the covers and I fell asleep to him snoring.

The next morning

I woke up and Andy was still snoring and I tried not to laugh. I got up from the bed and walked out of his room and Ava and Jayy were talking to CC on the couch.

"Where's Andy" CC asked.

"Um" I replied.

"YOU SLEPT WITH ANDY HIGH FIVE TO THAT" She said and we high fived.

"He snores"

"Girls you need to know something" Jinxx said walking into the living room.

"We have to split you up, Jayy will take Ava somewhere and Andy will take Maya"

"Why?!" We both said at the same time.

"It's safer, it's harder to track you down if all the people they assume are together are far apart"

"You can't just split us up" Ava argued.

"It's for your safety" Jayy said.

Just then Andy walked in rubbing his eyes and he looked confused.

"What's happening?" He asked.

"They want to split Ava and I up"


"It's safer" CC said.

"Jayy why don't you take Ava to Australia, I'll take Cassie to Venezuela"

"Why Venezuela?" I questioned.

"It's far away and I've been wanting to go there"

"I want to go to Australia" I complained.

"I want to go to London!" Ava said.

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