Dear Trans Girls

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(This is for all the trans girls who read my story, this is what I want you to know)

Dear Trans Girls:

I'm sorry if you feel like your hips, boobs and butt are too small

I'm sorry if you think your freakishly tall or have huge feet/hands

I'm sorry if you worry about the rate your hair grows, and I'm sorry if you feel like a clown in your make up

I'm sorry if you feel people can tell that your different and I'm sorry on behalf of all the clothing stores that don't sell dresses your size

I'm sorry if you hate your body, if it's your voice, your skin or that lump in your throat that feels huge every time you look at it

I'm sorry if the pictures of the pretty girls in magazines make you cry. I'm sorry if people scream when you enter the bathroom

I'm sorry that life can be challenging sometimes, but I want you to know...

That yes, you DO look cute in that outfit

Yes, if you look hard enough, you'll be able to fine those shoes in a larger size

Yes, the perfect winged eyeliner will take practice but you'll get it I promise

Yes, you shouldn't feel self conscious about your height. All the Victoria Secret Models are giant!

Yes, your boobs are on the smaller side (but that's why women invented the push-up bra)

Yes you are still beautiful

Yes, in my eyes you are and will always be a strong, independent, woman

Don't ever stop being you.

One day you'll be hotter than all the girls who laughed at you.

Believe me, I know.

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