Chapter 11 - "You have good control."

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Peyton took Louie's statement in with a small nod, then turned away. Louie set her Med bag down in a corner as Peyton moved to the front of the barn. He stood facing everyone, his stance relaxed but in command. Voices cut off and everyone turned to look at him.

"Thank you everyone for coming. I know all of you and so there is no need for introductions, so we will get going. Follow me," Peyton said.

He turned and left the barn at a quick jog. Ryland was the first one to quickly fall in behind Peyton, everyone else following suit. Their boots kicked up clouds of dirt as they went. Louie waited for the last person to exit before bringing up the rear. The group quickly fell into a natural pace, spreading themselves out to give each other the needed room. At the front Peyton turned and started shouting over the heads of everyone.

"Today we are going to keep it simple," Peyton said. "We'll start with a mile run before heading into training tactics. One of the keys to survival isn't just knowing the right amount of moves and skills, but having the stamina to be able to perform those moves after fighting for an hour. Find your rhythm and remember to keep breathing." 

He spun back around and picked up the pace, the members rushing to keep up with him. Heads turned as they raced by, clouds trailing behind them, making them look like one immense being.   

The chill in the air became a blessing as the team kept going, their unaccustomed bodies absorbing the breeze as it swept in and around them, cooling their heated skin. Louie's lungs started to burn. Her muscles ached and her boots felt as if they were made of lead, but she didn't stop. Peyton said something to the member that was right behind him, then slowed his pace. He moved through the group, checking on everyone until he came along side Louie. She kept her eyes focused before her, a grim determination set into her features.

"How are you doing?" Peyton asked, eyeing the sweat that was beading on her forehead.

Louie had the urge to punch him right then and there, but settled for saying a brief fine. Peyton opened his mouth but Louie spoke before he could, her words coming out in disjointed bursts.

"Peyton...if the next...thing you say... is that you are...going to go...easy on me...then I keep yourself..."

The sentence took all of Louie's strength, but the result had the desired effect. Peyton didn't say anything, only smiled.

"The thought never crossed my mind."

He picked up speed and resumed his position at the head of the team.

After they had run the perimeter four times, Peyton brought them back to the barn. Members came to stunted stops, their faces red and perspiration covering their foreheads. Some bent over their knees, fighting to get breath into their lungs, arms shaking slightly. Louie walked to the side of the barn and pulled off her jacket, tossing it aside.

Her lungs felt as if they were on fire and her legs felt as if they were made of jelly, but she forced herself to keep standing. She clasped her hands behind herself, taking in deep breathes. Peyton removed his jacket and looked around the group, his eyes seem to note those there were still standing and those that had opted for the ground.

"Alright, as I let you catch your breath, I'm going to go over the basics of what you should know about every Crawler. How they operate. How they react to certain things," Peyton said, his voice even, showing no sign he had even run a mile. 

Peyton pulled a makeshift dummy up to the front. It was made from straw and burlap sacks and held up by a  cross. Members settled themselves onto the ground, seeing that they were given a moments rest for the time being. Louie grabbed an old crate and perched on the side.

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