Chapter 24 - "He died alone."

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Louie woke to the sight of Peyton sitting in a chair beside her bed, leaning over his knees, contemplating his hands. The Compound lights were bright. In the distance she could hear the sound of voices, laughter and footsteps beating a tattoo on the concrete floor.

Louie stirred and Peyton's attention snapped to her, his thoughts clearing from his eyes. Louie winced as she shifted, closing her eyes as pain ripped through her. Peyton watched her, concern written in every line of his face. As the pain slowly subsided she opened her eyes, finding Peyton's strong gaze locked on her.

"How long have I been out?" Louie asked, her voice rough and raspy.

"A few days."

Louie tried for a weak smile, but only managed a grimace.

"I half expected you to be gone by now fighting a legion of Crawlers."

Peyton's lips curled slightly.

"With all the Compound bureaucracy I have heard and faced in the last few days I almost did go. But I couldn't leave until I knew you were okay. How are you doing?"

Louie rolled onto her back, a new surge of pain coursing through every nerve and muscle.

"Just dandy." Louie sucked in a tight breath through her clenched teeth. "Peyton, can you grab Teresa or the doctor? Anyone with a brain."

"I don't count?"

"You willingly living outside and fight Crawlers. You were blessed with a lot of things, but I'm not sure a brain was one of them."

"I survive, don't I?"

"I will admit that. Then just get me a doctor."

Peyton smiled and looked out into the Med Wing. He made a quick beckoning motion and a set of footsteps hurried over. Abby came into view and smiled at Louie.

"Abby, get me anything to make this pain go away."

Abby nodded and hurried off.

"Peyton, help me."

"I see, now I'm useful for something."

"I never said you weren't."

Peyton wrapped his arms around Louie and gently eased her into a sitting position. Abby returned, a cup of water and pills in hand. Louie gratefully took the meds.

"Do you need anything else?" Abby asked.

Louie shook her head, but then stopped, reaching out one hand.

"Let me see my chart."

The clip board was placed in her hands and Louie slowly read through it, the words seeming to take longer to register than usual. The chart dropped to her lap and she tiredly rested her head against the bed.

"Not as bad as it could be," Louie said. She looked at Peyton. "How is everyone else? Jonas? Trevor? Luther?"

"They're all fine, Jonas was up and about this morning. It seems he was eager to get back to normal life. Luther's shoulder is fine. Trevor's arm is wrapped up. They are reassigning him for the time being to another section until he gets better."

"Good. How are you doing?"

"I haven't gone anywhere, but other than that, I'm fine."

Louie nodded, feeling her body relax as the meds kicked in and the pain dulled to a faint aching. Silence fell between them. Louie's gaze drifted from Peyton to the far side of the Med Wing. After a long period of silence Louie spoke.

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