Chapter 26 - "What will you do?"

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Louie had known this moment was coming, but the words still hit her like a sucker punch to the gut. She stood stunned, staring at Peyton, unable to speak or move. Peyton took a step forward, his face full of urgency.

"Louie, I can't stay here. You were right. I'm not meant for confinement and the longer I stay here the worse it will become," Peyton said, one hand reaching out for her.

Louie came back to herself and her spine straightened, her shoulders tensed and her hands fell to behind her back. She took one step back and Peyton dropped his hand.

"I understand Peyton. It's for the best," Louie said, her voice sounding removed.

Peyton took a step forward, his face showing an intense look of annoyance.

"Don't shut me out Louie, don't do this. Please don't," Peyton's words had started off hard, but softened at the end.

Defensiveness sprung to Louie lips, about to spill over into heated words, but were halted as she looked into Peyton's face. The fight drained from her. Her shoulder's sagged. She dropped her hands and lowered her gaze, unable to look at him.

"I guess it's my own fault. I was the one to tell you to leave and now I'm getting mad at you for doing exactly what I asked you to." She looked up at him. "I just didn't expect it to be this soon, but you're right."

Peyton's body relaxed and he breathed out.

"I need to leave now, before I get in your way."

Louie frowned.

"What do you mean?"

Peyton ran a tired hand through his hair, looking at the floor.

"Apparently you caused quite a stir in your meeting and some people aren't too happy with it. Some people already tried to approach me, ask if I would step up as leader." Peyton met her gaze, guilt flashing across his features. "I can't stay. You are the leader of this Compound and the sooner everyone sees that, the better. Without me here it will make it more clear."

Louie nodded.

"I wish what you are saying didn't make sense. I wish I could argue it somehow. Make you stay, but we both know you're right. This is going to be difficult enough as it is without people looking to you to step up and be the next leader." Louie let out a tired sigh. "I thought we would have more time."

Peyton took a step closer, smiling slightly.

"I thought we would to, but we both live in a world where our plans never unfold as we want them to."

Louie rested against the wall, her energy depleted.

"When are you leaving?"


Louie nodded, her gaze drifting to the floor. The space filled with a heavy silence that neither knew how to push away or make better. Eventually Louie looked up, meeting Peyton's eyes.

"Thank you Peyton, for everything. Know that this Compound can be your home when you're needing one. The gates will always be open to you. That is one promise I will always keep."

Peyton looked at her silently. Then an intense look lighted his eyes.

With one step he was before her, his hands cupping her face, his lips pressed against hers.

This time Louie didn't pull away. Instead she stepped into the moment, reaching for him, knowing it was the last time she would ever have with him.

Unlike the last time Peyton's lips weren't hesitant, but demanding, grasping to keep Louie in the moment for as long as he could. Louie gripped his shirt, deepening the kiss. The warmth of Peyton's lips and the feel of his hands coursed through Louie's body setting every nerve buzzing.

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