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Cloud was running as fast as she could, the night beast was chasing her and her daughter! Her daughter was still asleep, not awaked from the sound of the roaring beast. Cloud was running to her mother's house. Her husband was dead, and her house was far away. Cloud ran and she knocked on the door hard. "I'm coming!" Her mother said as she opened the door. "What are you doing here daughter?" She gasped. "Never mind that! Just take my daughter! A night beast is coming after me!" She explained. "What's her name?" Her mother said. Cloud stopped, then she came up with it, "Night, Its night also give her this when she is old enough!" Cloud yowled in horror as she gave her a dark hood with a attached cape, a bow and quiver, and a sharp knife. "I'll lead the beast away!" Cloud yowled as she ran to the roaring beast.

Well I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter/prolouge! Can't spell XD

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