Chapter 8

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               The next day I decided to go hunt, Flower yawned, "Where are you going?" I shrug, "It's better to start getting ready to go to crystal town," I say. Flower blinked as she got up. "Are you sure? It's not like we're gonna get their today, this is a good camping spot too-" I narrow my eyes, "C'mon it's too late to turn back now, unless you want to get into the biggest punishment of your life," Flower was starting to back her sleeping bag, She sighed, "I guess we should starting going," she says. I give a sigh of relief, I know HOW to protect myself, by with Flower, it's better. We pack everything, as soon as we started walking I could tell something was bothering Flower. "What's wrong?" Flower looked at me, "The reason why I wasn't so eager to come with you is because," she stopped. I narrowed my eyes, "What is it?" Flower looked at me, "Promise not to tell?" She asks. I nod, what is so secret? Flower took a deep breath, "A long time ago my mama told me a story, a story why you couldn't go outside," I gasp, "You knew all along? And didn't tell me?" I say, I'm not mad, I'm happy it's my best friend who knows the truth, not someone else. "Well my mama and your mother were good friends," I look at her, "Was?" I say, I felt like I could cry, my mother. Is dead? Flower shrugs, "We don't know is she IS dead, anyways back to the story. Both of us where really young when this happened, I bet you don't remember, basically my mama was walking in the woods she heard screaming and roaring, she was a brave one, or is, she went to see what was happening she saw your mother! And you in her arms getting chased by a beast, a night beast-" Flower said but I interrupt her, "What are those beasts?" I ask. "I'll tell you later, anyways my mama was screaming, but the roar of the night beast was so loud, she ended up running by the beast, trying to distract it, but she couldn't, she was too afraid, the next thing she saw was your mother giving you to your grandma and running towards the beast and distracting it, my mama and grandma had a talk, because your mother was my mama's best friend, and your grandma said," I gulped, I knew what was coming, "She said she couldn't let you go outside because she's afraid the beast will hunt you down, so she kept you indoors, where the beasts can't find you," Flower finishes. I gasp in horror, "Not like that beast is alive," I muttered. Flower shrugged as she looked at the map, "How much farther till we hit crystal town?" She asked. I knew she was trying to change the subject, I didn't mind, I wasn't mad either. I was happy I could find out the truth. "Only..... 200 miles! We walked so much! Without knowing it!" I squeak. Flower looks around in surprise, "There must be a secret of those beasts, and I think we are destined to find it out," I say. Flower narrows her eyes, "Maybe your right!" She says. Beats, were about to find out your secret, and that is where you are hiding yourself, and how many there are of you, I thought as I look off into the distance, the sun was already setting, this is going to be the best adventure anyone has ever had! I think as me and Flower walk, side by side.

Secret of beastsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang