Chapter 4

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                                 The next day I went to the kitchen, I expected my grandma to be here, it was my birthday but nothing was going on. Suddenly I heard music and I saw Flower and my grandma yelling "Happy Birthday!". I looked around and the next thing I knew, I was hugging my grandma. "Thank you,'' I say. My grandma kept me tight, "You want to see your birthday present?" she asked while smiling. I nodded, she put a blindfold on me and made me spin around. My grandma started taking me somewhere, after a couple minutes I could hear her grabbing my hood and opening a door. She took me somewhere and suddenly I could feel the breeze, the sun in my hair. My grandma takes off the blindfold and Flower comes running, "Welcome outside!" I gasp. It's amazing! The wind and sun, it felt amazing. I took a deep breath, the breeze, the sun, the smells, everything was good! "But... After.." I stammer. "Oh shush," my grandma rolled her eyes liked I used to. I went around running on the grass, With my bare feet it felt so soft just like the poofy rug in my room. After a couple hours Flower has to go, I come inside, hugging my grandma while squeaking with joy. "Have you ever... Wondered if you have a sister?" My grandma asks out of no where. I think about that question for sometime, "No, no I haven't," I answer. "Why?" My grandma grabs a blanket and curls me up inside of it. "What would you think if you had one?" My grandma asks. I shrug, "I don't know to be fair,''. My grandma takes a deep breath, "You have one, she is 19, she I don't know where she lives, but her name is Luna, your older sister."

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