Chapter 1

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           I went to the only grassy area in my house, or my grandma's house. There was grass in the room but walls were covering it so I couldn't feel the wind and the sun while practicing archery. I frowned, my grandma wouldn't let me go outside she said it was "too dangerous." I sighed, tomorrow was my birthday, nothing special. The only birthday present I want is the chance to go outside, for only 30 seconds or a minute! Every time I mention going outside, my grandma gives me the look. I threw my knife on the grass, it cut threw the dirt and stopped. "Why can't I go outside!" I asked myself angry. Because your grandma says it's dangerous, My brain seemed to reply instantly but my grandma heard me and came in, "pardon me?" She said as she glared at me. I froze, anger was taking over me but I managed to control myself, "Why can't I go outside? It's not that hard! It's so nice it's not like some beast is going-" before I could finish my grandma glared at me, "We talked about this Night! I said No, No, and NO! I don't care tomorrow is your birthday it's too-" I narrowed my eyes, "dangerous? What's so dangerous about the wind and sun? I know! Sun burns! Not like I'll get THOSE," I rolled my eyes in disbelief. I'm fifteen! My grandma ignored my rude comment, "Well it's time for dinner let's go, chop chop!" She hurried me. I sighed, "yes ma'am".

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