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"Okay, I'll go easy on you."

"Ha! I'm the one who needs to go easy on you!"

We stood face to face, then pulled our wands up across our noses, and back to our sides. We turned, now back to back and walked away, five steps each before turning back in fighting position.

"You ready Riddle?"

"Come at me Malfoy!"

And with that it began.




Slashes appeared on my arm "Episkey," I whispered before they could get serious then turned back to Draco.


Draco was shot backwards and landed on his back. Hard. He sat up groaning. I shot him a quick Episkey as well and he stood right up.




My feet slid from under me and soon I was hanging from the ceiling. But that didn't stop me. I was just getting started.

"Incarcerous! Obscuro!"

He fell to the floor with ropes tied around him and a blindfold over his eyes.

I used a quick spell to return myself to the ground, then walked over to where Draco was struggling on the ground, his wand out of reach.

"Give up yet?"

He didn't speak so I tightened the ropes.

"Yes!" he cried.

"Relashio." His binding disappeared and he scrambled to standing.

"Uh, thanks," he said, palming his neck.

"Don't mention it. Reparo!" I had realized that several bricks had been cracked and lights had been smashed so I fixed them quickly. "Wanna go again of finish never have I ever?"

"I'll go with never have I ever, as long as it's not as emotional as last time."

"Promise." We sat back down against the railing and began the game.

"Never have I ever... Kissed someone of my same sex."

For the first time in the game, Anquis conjured up a bottle of Fire-Whiskey and took a swig.

"You've kissed a girl!?"

"It was a dare you bampot!"

"Oi, I'm not a clumsy idiot!"

"Sure. Okay, never have I ever... Um... What have you done that I haven't?" she wondered to herself. "Oh! Never have I ever shared as cell in Azkaban with my Ex!"

Reluctantly I took the bottle and sipped, then it hit me.

"Wait, how did you know about that?"

"I was in the cell across from you, listening to your bickering."

"Wait, you've been to Azkaban!?"

"Yes you little git! Remember the mini war last year. Half of the Deatheater's were caught but escaped."

"Oh, yeah."

She looked ready to say something else when a loud rustling stopped us both cold. Our heads snapped in the direction the the manor. We were standing and ready to run when a sharp pain erupted from my forearm. From the look of pain on her face, Anquis got it too. Then I heard a voice in my head.

"You are free of your patrol. Continue back to your room or suffer the consequences of being out past hours."


"I was probably just someone else on patrol Anquis. Come on, let's get back," I said.

"Fine." She took my hand and apparated us back to our apartment.

"I'm gonna read a bit before bed."

"Okay," I responded. "I'll join you."

We both went to the bookshelf searched the rows. I saw Romeo and Juliet and reached for it. Just before my fingers touch the spine my hand hit Anquis's.

"Sorry," she blushed. "You can have it." She grabbed Black Beauty and sat down on the far end of the couch. I took my book and sat opposite to her.

I soon became engulfed by the book, and before I knew it, it was almost three in the morning. I looked over to see Anquis asleep with her book on her chest. I smiled fondly and picked up the book, placing it on the coffee table next to mine, then slid my arms underneath hers and her knees, carrying her bridal-style to her bed.

After laying her down and pulling up her blankets I settled into my own bed, trying to keep warm.

"Goodnight Anquis," I whispered, thinking she was asleep.

However I heard "G'night Draco," before drifting off into dreams.

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