First sight love-4

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Tash ended her prayers with that and the priest also  was over with the arathi for baba. After the arathi, all of them stood up and started to celebrate their new year by wishing and hugging their family and friends. While Tash

was walking and wishing everyone in the crowd, she  felt that she saw someone who looked familiar and related to her heart. She felt that person was too close to her and was standing behind her, it was just 3 steps back of her.

Once Tash got to know there is someone who  is related to her heart who is standing behind her, she  started to shiver and turned back  the next second to see who the person was.She was extremely shocked and she couldn't believe her eyes after seeing that person.

Tash's Mind voice: ya baba what is going on here and what a beautiful miracle in front of me right now! Am I  dreaming or is it really my Anirudh?

Anirudh and Tash look into each others eyes and both of their tears scrolled after that.They both were seeing each other without blinking their eyes for a second and Anirudh broke the silence by telling  "finally I met you".

Tash didn't get what did Anirudh meant. She  took away her eyes from seeing his eyes and kept her head down with nervousness.

Then someone from behind touched Anirudh and said "dei nee yenga da pone, naangelam unne anggeyem inggeyem nu tedikite irekerum, ana nee taniya ingge yenneda pandikite irekere". That was danush and besides him was his wife, Anirudh's parents and sivakartikeyan.

Anirudh felt so happy after seeing them.He wiped his tears and pointed you to them and said "she's the girl, finally I met her". Anirudh was so speechless and he was very happy and all of them were shocked, at the same time, Tash  felt uncomfortable and she moved away from that place and went beside her friends and family.

Anirudh's dad: is this the girl that u met in your dream whom you were searching almost for 9 months?
Anirudh: yes dad she is that person and I don't know what is happening in my life now, I feel very confused and don't know what is happening. I can't live a life without her because i was searching for her  for the past 9 months and in these 9 months until this second I just loved her without knowing her name and everything. I don't want to lost her in my life and please help me and do something dad. Please!....... will be continued....

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