Flatmate Desired

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Chapter One: "Flatmate Desired"


"Go ahead, Amelia."

"I am Amelia Pond. I'm 24 years old. When I was a little girl I had an imaginary friend called 'the Doctor'.. But he.. Isn't real. The doctors, the real ones, that is, say I invented him to cope with my parents' death. I suppose after all these years I've got to admit they've been right."

"Congratulations, Amelia." The nice woman at the desk, Rebecca, smiled, "we're very impressed with how well you've improved."

"Thank you," she mumbled.

"How you found a place to live when you move out in a week?"

Amelia shook her head 'no'.

The woman sighed, "I'll see if I can find any options in the newspaper."

Amelia nodded her thanks before she was released to her room.

Amelia Pond would finally be leaving the psych ward.

She opened the door after her "support group" meeting the next day and found a folded newspaper on the counter.

"See if any of the ones I circled appeal to you. We can go visit them tomorrow." A note next to the paper read. Amelia recognized the handwriting as the handwriting that belongs to the nice lady at the desk.

Amelia opened the newspaper, but her eyes were immediately drawn to one of the un-circled ads.

"Flatmate desired. Available immediately. 221B Baker Street."


Author's Note:

First chapter, a tad short! If you have any questions about the. Technicality of my AU just ask :). I'll try to do my best to explain it right now, as well as throughout the story.

No, the Doctor never existed. Yes, Amy was actually crazy. After biting so many therapists her aunt committed her to a psych ward for professional help. Also, side note, in my AU Rory isn't real either, and Amelia invented him as her imaginary boyfriend as well. This played into my Christmas Pondlock story which is set in the same AU.

Thanks for reading, everyone!

-Kitty xxxx

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