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  • Dedicated kay John Green

Chapter 6: Falling

-2 Weeks Later-

"Sherlock I'm home, Oh my God! What are you doing?" Amelia shrieked, as she walked into the flat they now shared.

Sherlock was covered in blood and sitting on their couch watching telly.

"I'm watching telly, what does it look like I'm doing?" He sated simply.

"You're covered in blood!"

"Oh, yes. Forgot about that. Got into a little fight. No big deal."

"Oh my God, are you hurt?" She asked, rushing to his side.

"No, I'm fine, Amelia," he said turning away from her to hide his bloody and broken face.

"Sherlock! You're hurt! You poor thing!"

She dragged him to the bathroom, instructing him to remove his bloody shirt, hiding a smirk from seeing his naked torso. She cleaned his face, examining his cuts and bruises, being careful not to hurt him in the process. She gently placed a plaster on the cut on his cheek, which was still bleeding, then sat next to him on the edge of the bathtub.

"Who were you fighting?" She asked.

"Tom..." He said trailing, but Amelia could tell something was suspicious.

"Tom who?"

"Tom Cat.."

"You beat up by a cat?" Amelia snickered.

"He started it!" Sherlock exclaimed, standing up and storming out of the bathroom.

"A cat??" She laughed.

-2 Months Later-

Sherlock walked into the kitchen where Amelia sat, drinking a cup of coffee.

She looked up and saw him dressed only in a sheet.

"Sherlock. Pants. Now." Amelia ordered.

"Oh, Amelia. Pants are uncomfortable."

"We've been over this. If you're not in your room, you need to have on pants. Trousers preferably.

He came back later wearing the trousers from one of his many suits, but still remaining shirtless.

Amelia raised an eyebrow, looking over his bare chest.

"Stop that. It makes me uncomfortable." Sherlock said, sitting down at the table across from her.

"If you're going to dress like that, you're asking for it." She smirked, taking a sip of her coffee, "God, why do you have to be so bloody attractive," she mumbled into her cup.

"What was that?" He asked.

"Nothing!" She said quickly.

He shot her a suspicious glance, and she giggled awkwardly.

-A Few Months After That-

Amelia sat down across the dinner table, staring at Sherlock.

He stared back just as intensely.

Her eyes began to water but she was determined not to blink.

They sat like that for moments longer until Amelia gave in and blinked.

"Hah! I win!" Sherlock exclaimed.

"Next game," She instructed, "You pick."

"I pick-"

"Not cluedo!" Amelia interrupted.

"Why not!"

"You don't play by the rules!" She shouted, playfully exasperated.

"Well then the rules are wrong!"

"Sherlock, the killer couldn't have been the victim's ex-boyfriend's sister. There isn't even a card for that!"

"It was obvious to me," he groaned.

"Pick something else."

"I'm not going to."

"God, I hate you. You're so stubborn sometimes." She teased, going to the game closet and pulling out cluedo.

"No you don't, Amelia." He grinned.

Author's Note:

Sorry about the time skips in this chapter and in general. I wanted to give a good explanation of what happened for around 6 months after he moved in, but I couldn't think of actual chapter length stories. I hope the progression of their relationship is obvious enough.

School is awful. I hate school. Yup.

Happy 2 year anniversary TFiOS!

Thanks for reading, and as we say in these parts, don't forget to be awesome.

-Kitty xxxx

A Study in Pondlock: OriginsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon