Not Obsessed

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  • Dedicated to Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

Chapter 3: "Not Obsessed"


-One Year Later-

Amelia pinned another newspaper article to the large cork board above her bed.

"Sherlock's a Fake" it read.

It pained her to read articles like that. She thought back to the day she met him, and how he knew everything about her.

She stood back and admired her cork board. It was covered in articles, printed pages of John's blog, and photographs of the two.

"Amelia.. Will you please stop obsessing over that detective guy and help me put away the groceries?" her roommate, Tiffany called.

"I'm not obsessed!" Amelia shouted, hopping off her bed and joining her in the kitchen.

In truth, she really wasn't obsessed. She didn't try to stalk him, or fantasize about being with him. She found the cases interesting.

She groaned as she picked another of Tiffany's fancy diet gimmick foods out of the paper bags.

"This stuff doesn't work, you know."

"I saw on a Saturday morning talk show this woman who ate nothing but food from this company and lost half her body weight in weeks!"

"Tiff, you don't need to lose half your body weight."

"Easy for you to say.."

Amelia didn't even really like Tiffany. After Amelia threw a fit about not being able to chose the flat she wanted to move into, Rebecca chose for her. Tiffany and Amelia worked together for the same modelling agency. Tiffany, however, was being effected negatively by the job. She was 5'10" and was aiming for a "perfect" double digit weight.

Whenever the agency tried to convince Amelia she needed to lose weight, she'd go full Scottish on them. Knowing she was previously crazy, they usually just left her alone. Amelia knew eventually she'd be fired.

"I forgot the milk," Tiffany sighed.

"You got all this crap, but you forgot milk?"

"I'm sorry, Amelia! Will you please run to the store and get them?"

She sighed, "Yeah, fine." The store was in walking distance anyway, so Amelia didn't mind.

She hummed to herself on the way to the store. She found the milk and checked out, but while she was walking back home she noticed something odd.

There was someone standing on the top of St. Bartholomew's Hospital.

She dropped the milk and ran when the figure jumped.

She shoved people out of the way until she got closer and realized who it was.

There, on the pavement, bloody, broken, and most certainly dead was Sherlock Holmes.


Author's Note:

My feeeeelsss D:

Poor Amelia.

Thanks to @angelbutts for the fancy smancy new cover! It's looks magnificent!

Happy Birthday, Holmes. :*

Anyway, thanks for reading like usual. :P

UPDATE: I wrote this chapter over a period of time and just realized that at one point in the chapter Amelia was getting eggs, and at another she was getting milk. Whoops. Well, I fixed it!

-Kitty xxxx

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