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Chapter 7: Aftershocks


Even after the original earthquake comes to an end, it's followed by a series of aftershocks.

If Moriarty was an earthquake, and his death was the end, there were still aftershocks to come.

A few of his followers still believed in the one magical computer code. Thinking Sherlock was the one who killed Moriarty, they were angry and seeking revenge.

One of his followers spotted him and Amelia, and from that a scheme was born.

Amelia woke up to complete darkness. Her head was hurting and when she reached up to rub her head she found her hands had been tied tightly together, as well as her her ankles.

It was then she realized she had been kidnapped and was currently in the trunk of someone's car.

"Sherlock!" She screamed, but she knew no one could hear her.

Sherlock came home from the grocery to find an empty flat. Thinking that odd he looked around. The telly was still on. Amelia would never leave the telly on if she was leaving the flat. Her wallet was by the door, a second suspicious clue, but the most disturbing was the poor job of disguising a stain of blood on the carpet.

He immediately picked up his phone and called Mycroft.

"Oh, hello little brother. Did you call to apologize?" Mycroft answered.

"Not now, Mycroft. Amelia's been kidnapped."

"Amelia Pond? The poor little girl you've unfortunately burdened in your attempt to stay hidden. Perhaps she's just ran away."

Sherlock began listing clues in a fury, even the tiniest details he didn't notice the first time through.

"And what do you want me to do?" Mycroft chuckled.

"Find her. You've got eyes and ears all over this country just find her and return her to me unharmed."

"Why are you so bothered by this Sherlock? Do you fancy Miss Pond?" he taunted.

"No," he growled, "I got her caught up in this mess and I'm responsible if something happens to her. Now find her."

Meanwhile in the trunk, Amelia struggled against the ropes, which were cutting into her wrists until they began to bleed. Cursing herself for being so stupid, she kicked the taillights out and flopped around until she could see outside. It was night, and it was a country road. There was a car in the distance but she realized, it was dark, and the car she was in had no tail lights.

She said a quick prayer before the car behind smashed into her.

"Sherlock," Mycroft said calling his brother, "We found a car crash on a country road. Whoever was driving the car escaped but there is someone in the back and they tried to kick out the taillights. We can't get to the body, the back of the car is totaled, but we think it might be Amelia."

Sherlock took a cab as quickly as he could to the scene of the wreckage. He broke through the crowd of people, Mycroft's "henchmen", a few passing civilians, the person driving the other car, police and paramedics.

"Who is it?" He shouted at them.

A few people just shook their heads, "We don't know."

He could see the body on the stretcher, covered by a blanket or sheet, and after examining the back of the car he knew that whoever was it that trunk was very lucky if they survived.

As they lifted the stretcher into the ambulance, bright red hair floated out from under the sheet that could only belong to his Amelia.

"Amelia!" Sherlock shouted, running towards them, but the police pushing him back.

"No! You don't understand!" He yelled, "She's my friend, she's.. she's all I have left."


Author's Note:



Season 3 finale was today.

And then there's this.

How are you guys doing, lately?

-Kitty x

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