Truth Serum

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Chapter 8: Truth Serum


"Amelia," Sherlock whispered, as he joined her beside her hospital bed.

She looked so peaceful, and he didn't want to wake her. The doctors said she had a concussion and a few broken ribs. They warned him that she might have amnesia or another form of brain damage, but to be thankful, because the fact she survived was a miracle.

He carefully braided her red hair, getting it out of the way of her face. Her beautiful face. She was hooked up to so many machines, she needed blood, and oxygen, and they needed to monitor her brain activity. He hated it.

He pressed his lips gently to her forehead.

She began to scrunch her eyebrows in response.

"Amelia?" He asked quietly.

"Where am I?" She mumbled, slowly opening her eyes.

"Don't sit up," he instructed, as she tried to support herself from behind, "You're in the hospital, you got hurt. It's my fault."

"Sherlock..." She uttered, as her vision began to clear.

"I'm sorry, Amelia, I really am. This is my fault."

She weakly slapped her arm at him, "Don't you say that," she whispered, "Come here I want to tell you something."

He cautiously moved in closer.

"Get me a bloody doctor I'm dying." She attempted to yell, but breaking into coughs.

"You aren't dying, Amelia." He lied.

"I'm in pain every," she paused, taking a deep breath, "every where."

He nodded, running out of the room, and coming back moments later with a doctor.

"You'll be okay, Miss Pond. I'm going to give you a morphine pump to help with the pain." The Doctor explained.

"You're a saint," Amelia said sarcastically.

The Doctor smiled in recognition, and turned to Sherlock, "The morphine might make her a bit.. loopy. She'll probably act a bit drunk or 'high' while she's on it. Just make sure she doesn't do anything irrational."

"Hey! I can take care of myself!" She insisted.

Sherlock waited beside her, holding her feeble hand to give her support.

"So tell me what happened. Why am I here?" She asked sleepily.

"I'll tell you when you're better."

"Nope." She said, shaking her head back and forth many times, "Tell me now."

"Amelia, the doctor told me not to tell you-"

"If you tell me, I'll tell you a secret," she interrupted.

Sherlock was tempted to agree, knowing the drug she was on could be like a truth serum at times. Maybe she was the one that took his skull!

"No." He said firmly.

"Okay, I'll tell you anyway." She said, motioning for him to come closer.

He leaned in until he could feel her breath against his ear.

"I love you, Sherlock," she slurred.

Sherlock was taken by surprise. Amelia had always acted so uninterested and independent.

"Amelia, I-"

"Don't say anything," she said, sloppily placing a finger to his lips, "I think I'm going to go to bed now."

She dropped her hand and almost immediately fell asleep. Sherlock walked to the other chair in the room and sat down in shock.

Did Amelia really just say she loved him?

And more importantly, did he love her?


Author's Note:


Heh heh.

I like writing drunk/high/drugged Amelia xD

By the way, you should follow Amelia, over at @amelia-pond. She'll be thrilled to talk to you!

Thanks for the reading and stuff!

-Kitty xxxx

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