Sherlock Holmes and Cory Monteith

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  • Dedicated to William Hartnell

Chapter 3: Sherlock Holmes and Cory Monteith


"Hey Amelia? I brought you some tea," Tiffany said, knocking on Amelia's door.

Amelia quickly sat up in bed, "oh? Thanks, thanks."

"Are you okay?" She asked, handing her the warm mug.

"Sure, sure, it's not like I actually knew him."

"Yeah, but he was your hero. I understand how you feel. I was devastated when Cory Monteith died."

"Who?" Amelia asked.

Tiffany sighed, "The annoying American on the stupid singing show I watch."

"Ohh.. Yeah."

"He's actually Canadian, just so you know."

"I don't care, Tiffany."

"I know I'm just.. Trying to sympathize."

"Empathize." She corrected, "Besides, I watched him die, Tiffany. I saw him on the roof, and then I saw him dead on the ground."

"Maybe you're just in shock?" Tiffany offered.

"I'm fine, Tiff. Can I just, be alone?"

"Yeah, sure, of course,"

"Thanks for the tea."

"No problem," Tiffany said, immediately cheering up and bouncing out the room like her normal self.

Amelia looked at the large blank pin board above her bed. Where was the use in following Sherlock's cases when he was dead?

She pulled out her laptop, and subconsciously went to John's blog.

"Amelia, maybe you were an obsessed fan. Maybe this is good you've got a break."


Author's Note:

Sorry for another short chapter. I think the chapters might all turn out super short until Amelia and Sherlock are 'together'.

Happy birthday William Hartnell! Thanks for getting the party started!

-Kitty xx

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