Grand Rewrite

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One of the most popular chapters - one of my favorites - has been updated!

Read SKIA | IV

What's being updated?

A lot of people pointed out some a bunch of idiotic moves I did in this writing (and even I was like "What was I thinking?) and I intend to fix this.

A bunch of plot holes were also found, courtesy of me and other people. And.. guess what... ANOTHER batch of plot messes!

I will update these chapters quicker as I don't want people to get confused when one chapter says something different than another.

NOTE: The chapters that do have an a * are not part of the Grand Rewrite. I will update those ASAP.


Mainly because my writing style has changed drastically, and I feel so bad leaving everyone hanging with a story I didn't even put my heart into. All of you deserve so much better which is why I'm doing this honestly.

To be even more honest, I more or less left the fandom. But I will not leave the fandom.

I have plans for this story that are too good to be dumped, so...


After 🎄

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2016 ⏰

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