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When the new teacher came, Tsuna stayed out of the way. He also had a headache due to his hyper intuition for several days. The E-Class was quite..verbal in regards to the blond, but Tsuna did manage to get the class to try and understand their new teacher, even if they hated her. Apparently Irina Jelavich had a disregard for the students. And Tsuna could see why, she considered them civilians, and children.

As formerly said, Tsuna stayed out of the way. It was only now, that Tsuna allowed himself to be found and introduced. Hyper intuition can go very far when he doesn't want to be found. Extra lessons from Reborn on stealth also helped his elusiveness. Several times he had slipped out the window to escape from meeting the blond (while things were still crazy).

Tsuna walked down the hallway. Karasuma was standing next to a large chested blond. The two were conversing. The woman was quite obviously the assassin, as she fit the description perfectly.

Karasuma spotted Tsuna as he walked towards the other teachers. "Jelavich, this is the other teacher here you haven't met." Karasuma said.

"Nice to meet you, Miss Irina." Tsuna said, tilting his fedora down.

The blond's eyes widened, then squealed. "Ahh! You're so proper." The blond gushed as she glomped him. Well, he wasn't expecting that one.

"..." Tsuna sweat dropped. "Are you Serbian by any chance?" He said somewhat quietly.

"Yes. How could you tell?" Irina asked somewhat sharply, stepping back to scrutinize the brunette closely. 

The blond was quite unsettled by the observation. No had been able to tell where her accent was from for years. Her obscurity was helped by it fading over the years to a barely noticeable lilt.

"Mr. Yoshie is a hitman, Miss Jelavich. Miss Jelavich is an assassin, Mr. Yoshie." The nearby agent said as a means of introduction. 

The blond flipped her hair as the brunette ran a hand through his bangs. The duo avoided each other's gaze as they thought. 

 Korosensei appeared down the hallway (A wild Pokemon has appeared!), next to Karasuma. Karasuma and Korosensei started talking (arguing) with each other. 

As the two were distracted, the women decided to test a theory.

"Lovro." The assassin said, while placing a hand on her hip. A smirk was on her lips, but a calculating look was in her eyes.

"Reborn." The brunette replied with a smirk, tilting his fedora down to hide his amber eyes.

'Well known mentors. Well, that's one thing we have in common.' The two thought. After the vital piece of information was shared, the two respected each other. Reborn and Lovro had worked together and held overlapping interests in regards to the underground. Also, there was always a lot of rumors floating around about Mafia members, assassins, and hitman.

"Call me Tsuna, please." Tsuna said with a smile.

"Then call me Irina, Tsuna." The blond beamed.

They both had a gut feeling in that moment, a sense of kinship. They were generally in the same profession, surrounded by preteens, around the same age, and had heard rumors about each other. One used her wits and beauty, one used his wits, flames, and physical strength, both struck when they were the least expected. 'Honor among thieves' is a known saying, 'true friends are rare' should be one as well.

"Ice cream afterwards Irina-Imouto?" The brunette asked, somewhat hesitantly. Irina almost gaped, for a hitman to call anyone little sister...

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