Chapter 1

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It means Death...
No where is safe anymore...
No where as long as they're here..."

The words of my former colleague rang through my head as I wandered down the empty street. The stench of rotten flesh and death reeked, but thats all there was. It has been a few days now since the zombie apocalypse had started. I clutched the weapon I had, which was a rusty crowbar. My colleague gave me his dagger, but that wouldn't help me right now. I quietly walked down the street, my heart was racing. It was only yesterday when I lost my colleague, so it's hard being on my own in this world of death.

I continued down the street of the city, I was surprised to find that no zombies were around yet. But I knew it was only a matter of time before they came out of hiding. I turned my gaze to the sky, it was sometime in the afternoon now. I needed to find somewhere safe for the night.

I kept walking, turning down a few roads along the way. Deeper into the city. Farther into the unknown. I jumped as I heard the groaning of a zombie in the distance, they must've known I was here. I need to find somewhere, and I needed to find it fast.

I hurried down the street, going to buildings and pulling on the doors to see if they were unlocked. Some of the buildings I knew to stay away from, such as pharmacies and malls. I didn't go near office buildings either, since zombies could be lurking inside. I came to a small apartment building, I peeked inside. The place had been trashed but there was no sign of zombies. I cautiously stepped inside, and I made my way up the stairs.

The steps creaked under my feet, so I tried to be quiet as I made my way up the stairs. I still wasn't sure if there weren't any zombies in here. I came to the third floor, it didn't seemed as damaged as the ones below. I made my way to one of the door and jiggled the handle. The door cracked open, I slowly made my way inside. The apartment looked like it hadn't been used for a while, the furniture covered with white cloths.

I took the furniture that wasn't too heavy for me to move and placed them infront of the door. I took a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves a bit. But it was no use, my senses wouldn't relax. I was still getting used to being on my own, I sure missed John. Inside I hoped he was still alive, but the chances of him surviving were slim. He was out there without a weapon, or he could've been turned into one of them. I searched through the cabinets for canned goods, but there was nothing. I found some bottles of water though, which I was greatful for. The water had become contaminated a while ago, so bottled water was the only thing safe to drink.

I settled down near the door, so I could hear if any zombies came from the hallway. I checked the other rooms before I settled down for the night. I never dozed off, I just sat there staring off into space. I couldn't think straight, too many thoughts flooded my mind. I didn't want to move, I just wanted to feel safe again, even though I knew I probably wouldnt feel that way again. Then I heard a noise from outside.. I froze and leaned over to my crowbar. I slowly looked out the door, and I saw..

(A/N; Cliffhanger! Yep, if you were enjoying this so far, you'll have to wait for the next chapter to find out what happens next! See you guys next time, bye bye!)

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