Chapter 5

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I stepped over the bloody corpses of zombies, and walked towards where I had heard the gunshots from. The bushes rustled a bit and then a guy poked his head out of the bushes. He was blonde, with blue eyes, but he had war paint all over his face. I blinked a few times, then two other people showed up. A blonde haired girl who also had war paint on, and then a boy who was cute. Wait... No, I didn't just think that! I looked at them closely, then realized I knew who they were. "Blake!? What're you doing here?" He smirked a bit seeing who I was. "I was just shooting some zombies, you know, the usual." I rolled my eyes, "Sure bro." I looked over to the other boy. "Hi Brandon," I said and laughed. He crossed his arms a bit, then I hugged him. "Glad I could finally see you, but I would've liked it to be in a different setting!" I squeezed him and kissed his cheek. "You missed my mouth," he mumbled looking at me. I smiled then turned around.

Lindsey and John had came down from the hill, I guess they wanted to see if I was alright. Lindsey acknowledged the blonde girl with a glare. "Hey Blake," she said and looked up at him. I smiled and said in a sing song voice, "Bindsey~" Lindsey shot me a look, and I raised my hands innocently. I looked to the blonde, "Hey Loren. Which one of you shot the zombies? Or was it actually Blake?" Loren wrinkled her nose then glanced at Brandon, "It was Brandon's idea, but I said we could get ourselves killed. Though they didn't listen to me. But at least Blake listens, most of the time," she said and gave a smile. That's weird, but okay, I thought to myself. Brandon was glaring at John, John wasn't exactly looking at anything though. He seemed more zoned out. I just really wished we'd all get along, then it hit me. No not literally. "Hey guys, maybe we should stick together and make our own little group, then we can fight zombies better!" I smiled at my suggestion. Everyone else didn't look as thrilled, but they agreed.

I gave a sad glance to John, who didn't really seem to notice. I put my crowbar back onto my back. I sighed, then put on a serious face. I have be the leader, so I have to make sure everything goes smoothly. I took a deep breath, "Alright guys, let's head out and find somewhere to shelter." Lindsey gave a nod and began walking, I heard Loren give a small grumble as she followed Lindsey. I knew this being friendly thing wasn't going to last. But it was worth a shot. I took John's hand and began pulling him along, following Lindsey. Brandon and Blake were bringing up the rear. They were talking, but I wasn't listening. I was focused on what was ahead, focused on that small hope that'd everyone would be alright and we'd always be together.

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