Chapter 3

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I got woke up by being shook, "Piper, wake up!" I opened my eyes a bit, and the shaking stopped. Then I heard a few gunshots. "Lindsey? Whats going on?" I said sleepily, slowly coming to my senses. I soon realized what was going on. I got up and grabbed my crowbar, then walked over to the door where Lindsey was shooting zombies.

I peeked over her shoulder to see how many there were, it was quite a few. If you have ever seen zombies, you'd know they are horrid to look at. They were truely ghastly. Their eyes had a frenzied look in them. Their smell to be close of rotting flesh and smelly socks, or thats how I had placed a name to the smell. Their pale, winter-white skin reflected the moonlight that shone through the windows in the hallway.

Lindsey handed me a gun as she shot a couple more zombies. I winced as every bullet hit a zombie. I fiddled with the gun I had been handed. I haven't used a gun before, and I honestly didn't want to now. The zombies lied still on the floor, dead, not going to come back to life. Lindsey started to walk over the bodies, while I carried the bottles of water in my satchel and fallowed closely behind.

We made our way downstairs, my crowbar strapped to my back, but not so tight I couldnt pull it out when needed. Lindsey stopped at the end of the stairs, giving the surrounds a quick check before signaling that we could move on.

We stepped outside and I took in a deep breath, letting the crisp dawn air fill my lungs. I didn't care if the air reeked with death, I had hope and that hope is what I am holding onto. The hope that one day, this apocalypse will be over and I will be able to say I survived with my friends through a zombie apocalypse.

We wandered down the street, making our way out of the city. That's what I hoped we were doing anyways. A few lone zombies came shambling down the road, and Lindsey shot them without a second glance, seeming not to care that they were once human too.

As we made out way the buildings got smaller, and turned into more home styled houses and town houses. I was glad it was only the morning, since this place gave me the creeps. On houses there was words spray painted in black, some were wrote with blood, they said, "Death is what you will find here" or "Zombies will get you too".. The road was covered in debris and water, as if it had flooded here recently.

Lindsey and I made our way over the debris, staying mostly silent for the most part. But my heart was racing, and my senses were on high alert. I just didn't feel safe out here, I felt exposed. Then I heard a branch snap behind me.

(Another cliff hanger!!)

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