Chapter 7

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Hearing the scream, I hopped off the bed and ran down the stairs. I left my crowbar on the bed I missed the last three steps. I burst into the first floor and fell onto the ground. I groaned and rubbed my head, "Ouch.. shit.."  I sat up and looked at what was going on. Brandon stood infront of Loren, pointing a shotgun at a dead zombie which looked like it had its skull crushed by a lamp.

I chuckled a bit. "So.. which one of you screamed?" Loren pffted and pointed to Brandon. Brandon rolled his eyes playfully, "It was Loren." John came down, Angel mostly clinging to his back. I grumbled at the sight. I wasn't a big fan of having Angel cling to him, but whatever. If he allowed it, it was probably okay. "How did it get in here?" I asked my tone of voice more serious than before.

"From the basement, we opened the door and it was right there!" Loren said waving her hands a bit. "Okay, was that the only one?" Brandon nodded. I gave a nod in return. "Alright, lets head outside to check on Blake and Lindsey.. since you guys didn't find anything." Angel piped up, "John found me ~" I rolled my eyes then headed out the door.

The outside was fairly nice, though dark clouds were rolling in from over the horizon. I nevered liked that, usually it meant something bad was going to happen. I jogged over to the cellar doors and glanced back at everyone. John was still carrying Angel on his back, Brandon was next to Loren right behind me. I bent over and opened the doors to the cellar. "Lindsey? Blake?" I blinked and tried to see past the darkness as I stepped down the steps.

The stench was unbearable, it smelled rotten mixed with skunk.. Have you ever drove down the road with your windows down, then you get a wiff of a dead skunk in your car? Well this was at least ten times worse.

Blake and Lindsey looked over to us, I was glad to see they were okay. A boy was in the corner though, he looked familiar to me.. It.. It was Percy... "Percy?" He gave a faint smile then it was replaced with a neutral but blank face.

I went over and hugged him tightly, messing with his hair a bit. He didn't respond much, just sat there.. I sighed and let go.. I went back up to the doors to shut them when I remembered I left my crowbar in the room... I had to get it, it was my brother's.

The sky was noticeably darker, and lightening cracked across the sky. I looked back into the hole, and let out a small sigh. "I'm going back to the house." There were a few shouts of protest. I shook my head. "I have to, I left my crowbar."

I got out and did a full on sprint back to the house. The wind had picked up greatly, and I was afraid I was going to get blown away.. I ran inside the farm house and bolted up the stairs. I went into the room, and glanced at the pictures one last time then grabbed my crowbar. I placed it onto my back and started to go down the stairs. Thats when I heard it..

The Tornado Sirens.

I cursed under my breath and went down the stairs the rest of the way. I wasn't exactly sure how the tornado sirens still worked but I wasn't going to argue. I ran outside again and headed towards the cellar.

Thats when I saw it. It was huge, and moving fast. The beast had collected enough things like trees and hay bails to have the things be seen if you looked at it. I wasn't going to make it to the cellar before it did.. I saw everyone poke their heads out and I stopped.. I shouted inaudible words at them, the wind drowned out my voice though. They thankfully went back into the cellar but John was the last one.. He was still watching me and then looking back to the tornado. I think he yelled something like, "You can make it" or "You can do it, its not too far"..

I just shook my head while backing up quickly, watching his head duck back inside and the doors be shut. I sighed in relief knowing that they'd be okay. But then I remembered I was still out there.

I turned and ran. I didn't know where I was going. I didn't care where I was going. I just had to stay alive, not for my own sake but for them. I wanted to see them again. I needed to see them again. I didn't want to die by a tornado. I just kept running.

I wasn't sure how far I ran cause I came to a lake. I kept running though. I didn't want it to snatch me up and not put me down safely. Then I tripped.. I wasn't sure what I tripped on but I could still hear the wind howling an eerie melody.  My head pounded and my leg hurt, my eyes wanted to close. I tried to resist the urge of closing them, of giving in.. But it finally happened, I closed my eyes and everything went black..


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 21, 2017 ⏰

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