Chapter 2

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I saw another human, I let a low growl escape from my throat, hoping to scare who ever it was off. I learned how to growl a while a ago, cause I had to deal with some really strange people. My growl didn't sound like a zombie, but I sure sounded like something they didn't want to mess with. They approached the door, the glint of metal came off of their weapon. I could tell it was a gun by the way they held it.

I ducked down, hoping they wouldn't shoot at me. I leaned against the door a bit and of course the door creaked. The being came and tried to push the door open, I was panicking on the inside but frozen to my spot. "What do you want?" I said, loud enough only for that person to hear. There was no response, no movement at all for a few moments. "Piper?.." her voice came into the room, I could hear he Dutch accent, but right now it was faint. I nodded, "Lindsey? I thought you'd be a goner.. I couldn't contact you ever since the cell signals and wifi signals went out.." I said as I moved the things from infront of the door to let her in.

  I smiled and hugged her as soon as I reblocked the door. She put her gun back onto her belt and gave me pat on the back. "Where did you get that?" I asked, looking at where she placed the gun. "I got them from home, and some others I found on the way," she said it like it was nothing. I nodded and sat back down.

"Do you have any food? Were you out here by yourself since this started?" She asked after a while, breaking the silence between us. I shook my head no, "Everything in here was empty. Also I had John with me, he disappeared yesterday though.." I let out a long sigh. Lindsey wrinkled her nose is disgust, "Why would you be traveling with him? He could've hurt you." I smiled a bit. "He would never. Also if there was any funny business going on, I would be able to slap him!" I laughed a bit. She smiled and echoed what I said with a small laugh, "Funny business.."

I nodded and looked out the window, "I wonder if he is alright.." I was hopeful that he was a I turned to Lindsey, "Do you think he will ever come back?" She smiled and looked out the door to make sure nothing was coming, "I bet he is fine, and I give you my word that he is coming back. I promise." I tried to look tough, so I blinked back some tears. I gave a little smile, "Thank you Lone.." She gave me a small nod, "Get some sleep, I'll keep watch." I leaned against the wall and closed my eyes. "You always did know more about survival," I mumbled softly and dozed to sleep. Feeling a bit safer now that my best friend was there. She is armed and knows how to survive, nothing would go wrong. Hopefully..

(Thats the end of chapter two, and my friend WaffleMan535 is making John's PoV, so I encourage you to go check him out!)

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