Chapter 4

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I turned to see what had made the noise, still scared it might've been a zombie. I smiled as I saw who it was. John was back, he didn't die, he is safe. I quickly made my way over to him, hopping over debris as I went. There wasn't too much debris between me and where he was standing. As I walked up to him, I still couldn't believed he had survived. I couldn't believe he had found us here. I honestly almost started crying right there on the spot, but I blinked back the tears.

I looked at him for a few seconds, just standing infront of him. I gently poked his face a bit, making sure he was real. I didn't care that he looked like he just got out of the sewers, his green eyes still had that same glow they always had. I stepped closer and hugged him, and I didn't want to let go. I'm pretty sure I was squeezing him really tight but I honestly didnt care. He winced a bit and slightly hugged me back. "You smell really weird," I mumbled and looked up at him. He shook his head a bit.

I smiled and never wanted to let go of him, but I knew I couldn't stand there forever. I let go of him and walked back over to Lindsey. John slowly followed me as I made my way over. Lindsey looked at John when he walked up, she stood up straighter and slapped him in the face. "That's for making Pipsta worried about you," she huffed then continued walking down the street. John opened his mouth to say something, but soon closed it. I followed Lindsey quietly, glancing back at John. John was only a few feet behind me, and hopefully I wouldn't lose him again.

I slowed my pace a bit, so I could walk next to him. "I thought you were gone..." I said softly. He looked at me, giving me a pained look. "I didn't know you weren't behind me! I was looking for you though.." I nodded slowly and looked at the ground. "It's fine, we are here together now," he said. I couldn't see the expression on his face, but I knew it was my fault we had gotten split up.

I picked up the pace, walking past Lindsey. I didn't want them to see me cry, I heard John call my name a few times. I didn't care though, I just ran down the street not caring where it went. I ran past some zombies which of course came after me. Why do zombies have to be so damn annoying? I thought as the zombies were catching up. I pulled out the gun Lindsey had given me, and aimed it at the zombies. It was hard to keep it steady and I shot. It missed the zombie's head and hit another zombie's arm. I cursed silently. I stopped as a fallen try blocked my path. 

I turned and faced the zombies and I shot two zombies, but then I ran out of ammo. Great, just great. I pulled out my crowbar and braced myself for the zombies to come. I looked up the hill and I saw Lindsey standing there, then John showed up on the hill. Time seemed to slow down. I watched them on the hill, but I couldn't make out expressions since they were to far. The zombies were stumbling forward, there were about four left. I took a deep breath, I heard a gunshot go off, a zombie fell. I looked over to Lindsey, it wasn't her. I didn't bother question who had shot the zombie and swung my crowbar at a zombie's head. 

The head fell off, and I grimaced at the bloody sight of the decapitated body. Then I swung the crowbar again and hit another one, but my crowbar got stuck in it's freaking skull. I tugged on it, but it didn't want to come out. I felt boney fingers grab onto my arm, I screamed. Then there was another gunshot and I felt the grip loosen. I finally got my crowbar out of the zombie's skull and decapitated the last one, but the zombie blood covered my crowbar now. I took a few deep breaths, the adrenaline wearing off. I wanted to pass out and sleep for a few days, but I looked around confused about how gunshots could've came from thin air.

(Hope you guys liked this chapter)

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