Chapter Four - Unconventional Travel and New Beginings

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Sorry I take so long! I apologize for this being sooo short. The next one will be longer, I promise! Would love some feedback!  - Alex

Nico hurried towards the woods. Will had asked Nico to meet there before he left, and now Nico's heart thumped painfully in his chest.
      When he saw Will waiting, he sped up, happily meeting one of his only friends at camp, and hopefully, maybe, a bit more....
      "Hey," Will greeted, "thanks for meeting me."
      Nico just nodded.
      "Okay, man, here's the thing, we need to talk about your love life."
      Nico's stomach fluttered.
      "See, I've be been noticing you seem really lonely lately. I'm worried about you going off on your own. Now, we both know you're gay, right?"
      Nico nodded again.
      "And there aren't a lot of gay people at Camp Half-blood."
      Nico was holding his breath.
      "But there might be some at this place you're going, this Pigwart."
      "I mean, I've been much happier since I got a girlfriend, that's the other thing I wanted to tell-"
      "WHAT!" Nico shouted.
      Will looked surprised. "Yes, well, I'm sorry I didn't tell you," he said sheepishly. "She is pretty great though. It's Miranda Gardener, from the Demeter cab- Hey! Where are you going! I'm sorry I didn't tell you!"
      Nico was running away as fast as he could, arriving at the beach, where the other demigods and their pets waited for the wizarding transportation.
      Mrs. O'Leary bounded over to say hello, woofing joyously at Nico.
      She was joined by horses Blackjack, Cora, Arion, Sentry, and Athene, Annabeth's mare, as well as Lutta, the wolf.
      The demigods were anxious, milling around. Annabeth kept checking her watch, muttering.
      Finally, she stopped. "They are supposed to be here by one," she announced, "and it's 12:59-" She was interrupted by a rushing sound, and a huge ship erupted out of Long Island Sound. It drifted forward and came to rest on the beach, it's loading plank lowered magically to come to rest in the sand.
      "Well," said Annabeth shakily after a moment, "all aboard."
      "Aww... yeah!" shouted Leo.
      After all the pets were loaded under deck, (with complaints from Arion and Cora), and the demigods were on board, the ship started to move again, back into the sound. Nico stood on the deck with the other demigods, gazing back at the only place he called home. He reached inside himself, trying to understand how he felt after Will's rejection, and felt... relief. He was free. Maybe this Hogwarts, whatever it was, could finally be the place he found true acceptance.
      "Goodbye," he whispered, as the ship sank below the waves.
Leo had died again, but this time, he went to heaven. Magical ships, magical school, magical people, and, of course, incredibly awesome unexpected purple things. For the Ministry representative was wearing the yellow and black scarf they had said she would be, and otherwise entirely black clothes. Her blond hair, however, was almost entirely covered with wide purple streaks, and she was smiling so much she looked almost insane.
      The girl, for she couldn't be more than twenty, had introduced herself as Audrey Schwenbrook. Now, she had brought them down a side road where she informed them they would meet their ride.
      Audrey grinned at the demigods. "Hold on now, the first time I rode it it gave me quite a shock."
      The demigod a had just exchanged nervous glances, (all except Leo if course,) when Audrey flung out her right arm and jumped back.
      Hazel nearly fainted.
      A violently purple, triple decker bus appeared out of nowhere, and screeched to a halt by the curb. Leo grinned. "Oh yeah. We ride in STYLE!!"
      He was happily hopping after Audrey onto the bus, helped by a rather confused pimply man, while the others were still standing in shock. Percy was the first to recover, happily waving the others along with him.
      "Man this is so cool!" he exclaimed. James looked like he had died and joined Leo in heaven.
      Leo had just about decided this was the coolest thing ever when the bus started moving. Audrey had led them all up the the third deck, which they had to themselves, and was now doing her best not to laugh. Everyone but Leo, Percy, James and Reyna were gripping the arms of their chairs and screaming in terror.
      Leo exchanged an exhilarated glance with Percy before pulling something sneakily out of his pocket. He had prepared it specifically for this trip and was thrilled to already have such an excellent opportunity to utilize it. Stealthily he positioned it and panned around to all the other demigods, happily watching the film on the video camera's screen.
      Reyna, of course, looked irritated but calm, cooly considering any sort of panic beneath her. The others, unfortunately for them, were not quite as dignified. Calypso was still fairly presentable, but seemed frozen in shock, her eyes wide. Annabeth, however, had abandoned all dignity and was screaming her head off. James was as well, but in total ecstasy, his hands thrown up in the air. Thalia, Erica and Nico all looked like they were going to kill someone, while Frank was on the floor looking dumbstruck. Also on the floor was Hazel, curled over in pure shock, as well as looking a little green. Leo was glad he wasn't near her. Jason's reaction was perhaps the most comical, at least from Leo's point of view. He had jumped up into his chair, gripping the back and screaming as though he was being murdered. Leo had just captured Rachel and Piper grabbing each other's hands in terror when he realized Alli was clinging to her chair glaring at him. He hastily shoved the camera back in his belt before giving her a ridiculous I am completely innocent what are you looking at smile.
      The bus suddenly slammed to a halt, throwing everyone but Reyna forward on the floor. "Is this our stop?" Calypso called hopefully.
      "Afraid it's not," Audrey replied cheerfully. "Two more to go!" Groans echoed across the third level, and Leo decided that this leg of the trip was sufficiently exciting enough, and didn't require him sprucing things up. He couldn't make any promises for the rest of the trip.
      Unfortunately, Leo realized that was the trip, and ten wonderfully chaotic minutes later they arrived at the Leaky Cauldron.
      It was a marvellously decrepit looking old building, but so small Leo didn't see how it would fit the demigods, let alone any other guests. One particularly awesome things about wizards is that they often make things bigger on the inside. 
      Beyond its epicness in proportions, it was filled with magical people doing magical things. Totally. Awesome.
      Once everyone had filed into the dining area, as there was no lobby, Audrey turned to face them. "You will all be staying in here for the next week, you have two rooms, one for boys, one for girls." Leo grinned. Excellent. Plenty of pranking opportunity. "Your school letters are in envelopes in your rooms, including your supplies list. I will be back tomorrow to help you shop-" She broke off. She stared at a witch who had just come in the door.
      The witch was short and redheaded, and glanced around nervously as she came in. She was wearing old tattered robes that appeared to have been patched multiple times. After talking a moment to the barman, she hurried out the back door without looking around.
      "Who's that?" James said aloud. "She looks like a criminal."
      "Not a criminal," Audrey corrected, "just a bit misled. She is the mother of one of my, er, colleagues." She cleared her throat. "Anyway, I'll be helping you shop, and get the money the Ministry is providing for you." She pulled a folder out of her pocket and checked her notes. "Oh yes, and one more thing. We thought you might want to get a sense of our government before you attend school," Leo noticed Annabeth shift excitedly, "so you are invited to watch an upcoming trial, of an underage troublemaker named Harry Potter."

Yes, I am aware that Harry's hearing was on the 12 of August, but in this the Ministry changed it so the demigods could view. 

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