Is My Past Also My Future?

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{Ten Years Ago....}

      My older (brother/sister) and I watched as our parents were killed mercilessly.

'Why would they want them? Mom was a normal businesswoman and dad was a simple lawyer. He never took on any mafia cases. Why did they take them away from us?'

My (sister's/brother's) face portrayed an expression that was unreadable.

I understand that (she/he) was trying to put on a brave face for me, but who could after seeing this?

We walked out of the closet, after the attackers left, and walked out of the front door. 'What were we gonna do, now? Our parents are dead, my (sister/brother) isn't old enough for us to stay in the house, and if we went to a foster home, most likely we would be separated.

We spent all night looking for proper shelter. No other adults would understand.

"Lets rest here." My (brother/sister) said as we approached a cheap motel.

We walked to the front desk.

The receptionist gave us a questionable look and asked, "How old are you?"

"Sixteen and eleven. Sir, we need a place to stay."

"Sorry kid, too young."

"Too young, around prom time, plenty of sixteen and seventeen year olds come here to make some choices that could endanger them not caring about the consequences. We're not here on choice, its mandatory."

They took a deep breath and continued, "Or do I have to tell your supervisor that you allowed two minors sleep on garbage cans in alley nearby?"

My (brother/sister) said, challenging the older man.

He sucked his teeth and handed us a room key.

"Thank you sir." My (brother/sister) said, I was amazed, but happy.

<><><><><><The Morning><><><><><><>

I woke up, with the same clothes from the night before. They reeked of dried blood, I looked over to see my (brother/sister) gone.

'Where is (she/he)?' I got slightly worried, until I heard a knock on the door.

I looked through the peephole to see my (brother/sister). I opened the door.

(She/He) had a luggage bag of clothes in (his/her) hand and said, "I went back home to get some necessities and called the police to get the bodies.

"Did they ask questions?" I asked.

"Yeah, but once I explained everything, it was all good."

     We had to grow up fast, moving from motel to motel until we had no more money.

My (brother/sister) and I got part-time jobs, because we still had to go to school during the fall. Eventually, a foster family took us in.

They had nine kids, but I never got too close to them, because I couldn't trust them.

       When I turned twelve, the foster family sent us off and put us back up for adoption.

I never understood why, we earned our keep and didn't mess with anyone. Anyway, it was months till I was adopted.

My (brother/sister) was forced to leave without me at eighteen. I wanted to go with (him/her), but the stupid guards wouldn't let me. Till this day, I don't know where they are....

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