The Secret Conversation and The Clock Strikes 10

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(a/n: play the song while you read if you want) 
'Why do I have to kill him? And if I don't, (brother's/sister's name) is killed and I get beaten. I can't give up, but I can't betray the Vongola famiglia. What do I do? I should talk to Reborn, and tell him what happened.'

I pick up my cellphone and called the house.

"Hello?" Lambo answers.

"Hi Lambo, how's the fam?" I greeted, trying to hold back my tears.

"We're fine. How's the mission?"

He asked the one question, I was afraid to answer.

"Its going great, can I talk to you know who?" I whispered just in case anyone is eavesdropping.

"Okay." I hear the phone being transferred to someone else.

Please, be there and don't ask about the mission.

"Hello," I hear his raspy voice answer the phone.

I think I'm in love with this man, I can't bring myself to kill him or Tsuna.

"Hi, tutor. How are you?" I greeted him, with his nickname I just made up.

"I'm fine and how is the mission?"

Is karma out to get me or nah? "Not so good. He knows who I am." I admitted.

"I told you not to go. Now you're in this situation. What else does he know?" I can hear his frustration, it's so sad.

"He knows about my (brother/sister: b/s)."

"So what now?"

I sigh, trying to configure what to tell him. The truth, and break his heart; or a lie, and he will never trust me again or love me. I can't tell him about the ultimatum.

"He wants me to be in the Varia." He sighs and I can tell he is upset.

"Just choose what you think is the right choice." And with that, he hung up.

I don't wanna be the brokenhearted girl...

'This is it; I have to make my decision. I really don't want to hurt or kill anyone, too many people's lives are at stake.'

I thought, while pacing around my room. The clock inched closer to the time; the time to make my choice.

'I'm gonna do it, I have to. I don't wanna kill him, but I basically have to.'

Once the clock chimed as the it reached the top of the hour, I took a deep breath and exited the room. I walked into the boss' office and closed the door behind me.

"I hope you've made the right choice." He smirked.

"I will do it. I will join the Varia." I mumbled, trying to choke back my tears. 'I hope I get to see (b's/s's name) and this jerk isn't just stringing me along.'

"Good. You start training tomorrow, and by the way, my name is Xanxus." He said. I wasn't even paying attention to what he was saying past this point. 'I just wanna be back home with Reborn.'

I nodded and left Xanxus' office. All of my night was spent crying. I've never felt so, so, emotional for anyone else like this.

<><><><><><><><><The Morning><><><><><><><><><>

I woke up in the morning and looked at my reflection in the mirror.

I had dark circles under my eyes and I just looked tired. I decided to put some concealer under my eyes to avoid too many annoying questions. I got dressed and went outside to the training grounds. 'Time to face the music.'

I walked outside to see Blond Prince and Chords of Steel waiting for me. We practiced basic things: shooting firearms and self defense. All the stuff I've learned before.

Shotguns are dangerous! (Adult!Reborn x Reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें