Chapter 23 - Big family crisis

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Evan POV

I woke up to a naked beta beside me. Should I even feel a bit of regret? Because I don't. "Jon?" I let a yawn as he groaned pulling the pillow over his face.  I playfully rolled my eyes at that pulling it away. "C'mon wake up. We got duties to do. I gotta get back to my job, you gotta patrol the east side today" "Great" he mumbled not even opening his eyes.

'When you're ready, meet me in the kitchen' 'Will do'

"C'mon, Ryan just mind linked me to meet him. You need to leave before anyone gets suspicious " "I'll just say I visited you or something about some pains" "So believable" "Well you are a doctor"

I looked down at the piercing blue eyes and narrowed my eyes at him. "Don't get cheeky with me" "Alright Dad!" "Hey I'm younger than you!" "I know" he giggled getting up.

Ryan POV

"What are you doing?" "Making you breakfast" "Love... you don't need to. I can do it myself" "Isn't a women job in the kitchen?"

'Can I please kill him....' my wolf growled to me.

"No, a women can have a man job and a man can have a women job." "Really?" "Yes meaning a man should work in the kitchen as well" I took the knife away from where she was buttering the toast and continued to do it myself.

I suddenly heard a gasp. Annetta was hunched over gasping in pain. "Love?" "I'm fine" she whimpered. I pulled out a chair sitting her down on it. "Well that was a hard kick" she laughed it off.  "You ok?" "Yeah I'm fine now, just shocked me" "Almost gave me a heart attack then..." "Sorry" "It's alright..."

Evan came walking in. "Ah Evan. Is today possible to do a gender scan for Annetta?" "Yeah sure I'm free right now" "Great" Jonathan then coincidentally walked in. "You know what you're doing?" "On it" he said grabbing an apple walking out.

"Why is there the same bruised mark on Jon and Ev-" "Let's get you checked" Evan nervously chuckled cutting Annetta off. "What are you hoping for?" "I don't mind" "Ryan?" "I'm hoping for a girl. Gotta always have a princess beside me as well as a queen" I gave her a wink seeing her cheeks warm up.

Luke POV

"Nope" he scrolled down again. "Nope" "We've searched over 100 Jenny's!" "Why don't you go to my old pack high school and search Jenny?" "You could of told me that sooner!" "You're the brainy one here not me" I shrugged. He rolled his eyes at that.

He then look to my neck frowning. "Why does your marking look sore?" I just shrugged at that. "Don't know just randomly starting burning. It's fine now" "Ouch..." "Back on topic, did you find it?" "Only Jenny in your year?" He clicked on it. My eyes widened. "That's her but she's looks so familiar"

"She found her mate after leaving school and moved to her mate pack. Her mate rejected her due to having a pup that wasn't his. He felt disgusted. But she still stayed in the pack where the Alpha is... Ryan..." "WHAT?" "She's in this pack Luke. She has a 10 year old daughter called... Teddy" "I swear I've heard that too..." "That teddy bear that little girl gave Jon. She was called Teddy too. I was there..." "So you've met my daughter?" "Yeah..." "What's the house number?"

Annetta POV

"You excited to know?" Evan asked me watching the monitor. "Yes, so we can go shopping" I squealed hearing Ryan groan at that as Evan chuckled.

"Well looks like I see... you are having a.... healthy baby.... girl." I smiled biting my lips as Ryan lightly squeezed my hand. "Look Ryan. It's Arabella" He looked down at me seeing a twinkle in his hazel orbs. "Y-Your... what...." "I like it" I giggled. "Gosh I fucking love you" "Language" I narrowed my eyes. "Good luck he's like a swearing machine" "Evan" He growled at him. "Just saying..." he mumbled.

"Don't worry every time he swears he's not aloud a kiss from me" "You're evil" "I agree Annetta" Ryan glared at the both of us as I giggled giving him a kiss on the cheek.

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