Chapter 76 - Arabella 1st birthday

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Annetta POV

"Stop moving! Daddy trying to make you look pretty" Ryan huffed trying to tie her hair up. "No!" She starting messing her hair up. I couldn't help but watch in amusement. "You're a pain in my ass you know that?!" I swear she smirked, even Ryan noticed it narrowing his eyes at her.

I layed back just watching this happen with my hands rested on my large swollen bump. Ryan refuses to let me hold her as much as he loves her, she doesn't understand as she fidgets and kicks about that... and Jon told Ryan what she almost did when she threw a fit in my arms almost kicking my stomach.

"Arabella!" "Daddy!" She sassed back. "Excuse me?" She only stuck her tongue out at him. Why aren't I recording this? She got up trying to run. He groaned walking over picking her up.

"Dress time!" "NO!" She screamed. "Look at Mummy, doesn't she look beautiful in a dress?" She stared at me numbing her fist. "C'mon Arabella, listen to Daddy"

And she did. He finally got the dress and her dirty blonde hair tied back. "There, go find Uncle Jon" and just like that her little feet took her off out this room.

"And just think what your son gonna be like" I smirked as he collapsed on the bed groaning out. "I don't think it'll be that bad" I teased getting myself up with my hand resting on my back. "C'mere" he sat up pulling me on to his lap. My bump immediately pressing against his stomach. "Aren't I heavy?" "Actually no and so what, who cares" "I do..." "Well I don't" he took my hands locking it with his. I couldn't help but giggle as he grinned pressing his lips to mine.

Jonathan POV

I heard my door slowly creek open, thinking it was only Luke leaving, I shrugged it off when I then realised Luke arms were wrapped around me. My eyes shot open as I sat up. "Jon! Jon!" "What the hell? Arabella! She fell on her butt and was about to cry.

"No, no, no" I quickly got out of bed ignoring Luke groans as I picked her up. "Don't worry gorgeous I got you" she giggled at that as I kissed her forehead. "Who's 1 today!" She laughed clapping her hands. "That's my girl" "Jon, come back to bed!" Luke whined half asleep. I just rolled my eyes. "Go wake him up whilst I change" I giggled placing her on the bed. She started pulling at his beard. "Oh shit..." he mumbled as his eyes slowly open. "Well hey there Bella" she giggled at that.

Annetta POV

"I got it" I giggled holding the cake. "You sure?" "I'm pregnant not stupid" "Alright..." he just crossed his arms leaning back against the wall watching me set up her balloons and presents. "There" feeling pleased about it. I didn't wanna throw a big over dramatic party or celebration for her.

"Annnnd here comes the birthday girl" Jonathan came walking in with her in the air as she was giggling. He placed her on the little mini single chair she could sit on. I smiled as the rest of the guys join us. Ryan wrapped his arm around me as I leaned my head on his shoulder resting my hand under my bump smiling. That was all I ever wanting for her to have.

A family, a sibling and most of all a father. I looked up to Ryan who was watching her accepting her as his, he must of seen I was staring as he looked down to me. "What?" He chuckled. "Nothing" I sighed in happiness. He smiled and just as he was about to kiss me something was thrown at us as I gasped in shock seeing the frosting on my neck and in my hair, Ryan had it on his chest and most on his face.

We both looked to see who did it, Jon was pointing to Arabella as Arabella was pointing to Jon, both their hands were covered in cake. I just rolled my eyes at them as Ryan was mumbling something under his breath. I couldn't help but wiped some cake from his face and tasting it. "Really?" I just shrugged as he playfully rolled his eyes at me.

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