Shards Of Glass

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The pain was unbearable I didn't

know what to do and Haru said

he'd be right back. He left me

alone bleeding, I had to admit he

was beautiful. When said that he

loved me and I couldn't fathom

someone loving me.. That's

probably why he left me


I told Rin that I'd be right back,

there were these special healing

stones that would heal any

wound. Soldiers used them in

battle when they got wounded

they were hard to find normally

but luckily I had a secret stash of

these stones because I would

always go exploring and end up

getting myself hurt. One stone

could last a life time but after a

while they would just start to

heal slower instead of

immediately. I found my stash

and I swam as fast as I could to

Rin's destination. Rin a beautiful

face came in to my head I barely

knew him and I loved him,

seeing him cry made my heart

ache. I hope he isn't upset for me

leaving him I just wanted to heal

him I wanted him to be out of

pain. I soon found Rin's island

and I sprang out of the water to

my surprise I found him curled

up clutching his leg crying

muttering how everyone leaves



Haru was taking so long I figured

he had just decided to leave me

and not come back. My leg was

in such pain I just curled up and

cried. I kept telling myself that

everyone leaves me and that no

one would love me. My heart

ached he told me he loved me

and he left me... Just like

everyone else. "Why are you

crying" a soft heart broken voice

said I turned to see Haru all the

way out of the water. "Haru you

shouldn't be out of water you'll

die" I said to him wiping my

tears away, "why are you crying

did you really think that I would

leave you??" Haru whispered

"yes because no one loves me

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