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So I used this pic cause it's the
only thing that was remotely
close to what I wanted. I originally was wanted Jessica (which is pretty much fem Haru) with Makoto on the beach but I couldn't find that so I put this one up just picture Haru as a girl laying on Makoto's chest.


"HARU" I screamed trying to

move my body to grab him and

pull him out of the water, but

Makoto reached him before I

could. "Don't worry I'll get him,

you stay and don't hurt yourself

more" Makoto said I stopped my

movements and watched as

Makoto pulled Haru's limp body

out of the water. "Why have they

both fallen unconscious??"

Makoto asked. "That's none of

your Buisness human" a voice

said we both looked to see rose

in the water. Makoto let out a

frightened yelp and I giggled

"what are you scared of a

Mermaid mako" I said while

laughing "n-no I just Didn't think

that there was more of you" he

muttered a soft blush finding it's

way to his cheeks I tilted my

head confused "there's a whole

kingdom of us, there are

kingdoms all over the world" I

stated "stop telling him things

he's a bloody human" rose yelled

from the water "oh hush he's not

going to tell anyone about us...

Right mako??" I asked looking at

him "no I would never, I

wouldn't want anything bad to

happen to you Jessica" he replied

looking me right in the eyes. It

was my turn to blush I looked

away, he came to sit next to me

"hello I'm Makoto" he said and

put his hand towards rose she

just stared at him and didn't

respond after a while it had

gotten a little awkward to he put

his hand down. "Why are you

being so rude to him??" I asked

her angrily "because he's a

human and you're sitting on

land with him like it's alright it's

not okay the king and queen

have made laws against humans

and mer-people coexisting" she

yelled at me "well the king and

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