Acceptance And Darkness

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Rin and Haru both deep in the

darkness of their own minds.

This is what the mer-folk called

the acceptance it is where each

partner is lost in their own mind

seeing everything from past

years and once they are done

being forced to relive what

terrible things and the happy

moments they've gone through

their own experiences get

transferred to their partner. An

if their partner embraces and

accepts the past of their partner

they they can be together. Most

times during the acceptance

each partner is happily okay

with accepting of the other but

on rare occasions they are not

accepting and they both die. If

one is rejected they both die.

That is unless the person is a

human and because they are

human the rules can't apply

because they are not of the mer

-people. But humans and mer

-people are not allowed to

coexist, it is unnatural and can

hurt the mer-people. Along with

the acceptance comes it's other

half the darkness the darkness is

the worst part and many find

themselves losing their minds

when encountering the

darkness. The darkness can take

many shapes and forms of

anything is can be a cat, a plant,

a human, anything in the world.

But the darkness lives in

everyone reminding them of

everything terrible and while

people go through the

acceptance the darkness can

make people reject the other

which causes death. But if they

can prevail against the darkness

then they can coexist and live

happy lives, but that's for the

mer-folk what wpuld happen if a

human were to enter the

darkness would they come out

alive?? Humans are very

sensitive to things they can't

understand. The acceptance and

darkness are apart of the

supernatural world if they were

to affect a human who knows

the outcome. If a mer-person

were to fall for a human they

we're both killed, It has been

made a law that mer-people are

not allowed to be with humans,

yes mer-people were made to

lure humans into death

especially fishermen. But if they

fall in to a sweet blissful love

what would happen how could a

human deal with a mark,

understand the ways of the mer

-people, how could they coexist if

one was an air breather and the

other an water breather? Rin

was... Wait Rin is a heartbroken

abused boy how could Haru deal

with the truth the poor boy held

deep inside. And Haru sweet

strong Haru... Wait no Haru the

boy who hides how he truly

feels, maybe he wants to die to,

maybe he wants to be rejected

because he is going through so

much with His sister and his

parents and his Rin. Just wait till

they meet the darkness and the

acceptance they must face if they

want to be with each other.

Hello My Loves So Its Been A Bit Since I Undated An This Chapter Is Kinda Shitty And It's More Of An Explanation I Promise The Next Bit Of Chapters Will Be 100% Better. Thank You For Reading This Story I Appreciate Any Comments Any Anything. Bye Bye For Now (535 words) 🐬🐬🐬🐬

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