All Your Fault

665 23 16

TRIGGER WARNING. This chapter will mention self harm please do not read if this is a TRIGGER for you. Love you stay safe and alive I'm here if you need to talk.


I ran home once Jessica dived in

to the abusive waves. I was so

scared for her and haru. I held

on to my healing stone not

wanting to drop it in my mad

dash to home. Once I got there I

was greeted with a slap to the

face and it knocked me to the

floor. "Where have you been"

my mother asked while she

kicked my ribs "I-I told you I was

going to sit on the dock for a bit

you said you were fine with it" I

whispered not wanting to anger

her further. "I never said

anything of the sort you little

worthless liar" she screamed I

could smell alcohol on her

breath; she placed her foot on

my ribs and stomped on them

till she heard a few cracks and I

screamed bloody murder it hurt

so bad. She grabbed me by my

hair and lifted me tear stained

face off the floor "you are a

disgusting vile piece of trash I

can't wait till you turn 18 I'm

going to hurt you so bad and

throw you in to the bottom of

the ocean so no one will ever

have to see your disgusting face

ever again" she whispered she

then slammed my head in to the

floor an my vision got blurry I

felt around for my healing

stone... IT WAS GONE! I tried to

get up but I couldn't my body

too weak "brother what are you

looking for" my little sister said

"and why are you on the floor" I

knew that if I had told her what

our mother had done she'd kill

me. "O-oh nothing I'm just

looking for a stone I dropped,

can you help me??" I asked her

"of course big brother" she

found it in record time because

her vision wasn't blurry like

mine "thank you for finding my

stone, I'm gonna go up stairs and

rest okay" I said to her holding

my stomach and hobbling up the

stairs. "WAIT" she shouted. I

Lost Love (Free! - Rin x Haru Fanfic)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ