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(Your POV)
I ran home from school. My crush just asked me if we could hang out tonight. I had made up a lie if my dad asked me who I was hanging out with. I would tell him, "I'm going over tho hang out with Lauren and we were going to have a sleepover." He had to belive me. I went in the house and put my backpack on the table. "Papa Razz!" I yelled. There as no answer so I guessed he was recording. I sat on the couch and turned on the t.v. I went to my dad's channel and clicked on his yandere simulator. About eight minute in I heard my dad's recording room door open. I ran in the direction, I ran and hugged him. "Hi papa razz" I said acting sweet. He hugged me. "Hey hey hey (Y/N)" he said like his intro. I smiled and asked my dad if I could go out. "Hey papa razz. Can I go out tonight with Lauren." I asked. "Is that really what your doing tonight?" He looked at me. My voice became shaky "uh... ya of course" I said still smiling. "So if I call Lauren's parents, they will say your coming." Papa razz said. I said silent, my smile fading from my face. "What are you really doing" he said crossing his arms. He began having an angry growl in his voice that I hated. I said the truth, "I was going to go out with Mark tonight." I said sulking away from papa razz. "No... you are not going out with him, end. Of. Story" he growled. "Bu-" "no! Go to you room" he pointed in the direction of my room. I went off into my room and silently shut the door behind me. I got my phone out of my pocket and saw Mark texted me.
"Did you ask him?"
"He said no"
"I'm still picking you up aren't i?"
"Hell ya"
"*sigh* What time"
" well it'll  only take you like 5 minutes to get here from your house. So I'll text you when my dad is recording tonight."
"Alright, see you later then"
"See ya"
I layed down on my bed and just looked at the ceiling. I heard something get set outside my door. I waited a minute before checking. My dad had got my backpack for me. I grabbed it and closed my door back. I waited for a while, and when six rolled around my dad called me out for dinner. I went out and it was silent between us. My dad and I were very close, but when he was mad, I had to leave him alone. We both ate, I did the dishes and then went back to my room. I heard my dad's recording room door close and I texted Mark.

Papa Razz's orders (Razzbowski X Reader X Markiplier)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora