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I woke up the next morning and lightly shook Lauren awake. We both grabbed our bags which was by my door. We went out to see Papa Razz making breakfast. It was only bacon and toast. But it should last us a two hour flight. We all laughed and Lauren almost choked on her bacon because Papa Razz made a horrible joke. Lauren and I cleaned the dishes quickly as Papa Razz put the bags in the car. He called us out and Lauren an i ran to the car. Papa Razz locked the front door and then came to the car.
We were sitting in the car and Mark texted me. Lauren and I looked at each other.
"I still love you."
I replied, casually looking up to make sure Papa Razz wasn't looking.
"I love you too, all I'm saying is that things are going to need to calm down before I can come back to you." I texted back.
"What happened when I took you home that night. You just started getting scared and you told me to take you home. I did and then you just avoided me. What happened?"
"I got home and i heard my dad's voice in his office. I turned my light on and he was sitting on my bed. He ended up spanking me and then sent me to bed." I texted.
"Ya. And I'm just trying to get him calm enough to where I can sneak out again with you without him checking on me every two seconds."
"That's my girl. Alright. Text me when you get off the plane. 💜"
I put my phone in my pocket.
We all just talked and laughed till we got to the airport. We got out, checked in, and got on our plane. Me and Lauren just talked about the whole situation while Papa Razz was most likely talking to Lewis.

Papa Razz's orders (Razzbowski X Reader X Markiplier)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum