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I began calming down and I opens my window just to look out. Papa razz's recording room door opened and he opened my door. I kept the door open and papa razz kept his open. I floped back on to my bed.
"CAN I WATCH YOUTUBE!?" I shouted.
"LIVING ROOM" He shouted. I went to the living room and watched Bijuu Mike's hello neighbor. I watched that and then had nothing to do. I decided to just fall asleep on the couch. I awoke to my dad carrying me. He layed me down on my bed and put the blanket on top of me. Brushing aside hair, he kissed my forehead. "Night princess" he whispered, and walked out. I fell back to sleep. My eyes fell back down and next thing I knew it was morning. I got up and got dressed. I looked at my side table to see my phone, I smiled and graves it, and put it in my pocket. I walked out into the kitchen and papa razz was making my lunch.
"You know, even though your 16 I still love carrying you around" papa razz said softly. I smiled as I ate my breakfast.
"Walk or drive" he asked
"Drive" I answered.
"Remember girly, tomorrow we're getting on the plain to go visit Lewis. Did you ask Lauren if she was coming"
I slammed my head into my hands, I had forgotten to ask her.
"Damn it, I forgot to ask her" I said. "Since it's Friday mabye she could sleepover." I added. Papa razz rolled his eyes.
"It's a week and a half trip so she would have to bring her suitcase here too"
"I'm sure her mom and dad would be ok with it." Papa razz threw his hands in the air.
I got to school and saw Lauren and ran up to her.
"LAUREN ASK YOU PARENTS IF YOU CAN COME ON A WEEK TRIP TO ENGLAND WITH MY DAD AND I!" I yelled. Lauren took out her phone and called her mom. "ON IT!" She shouted as she put th phone up to her ear. She asks her mom do the trip and the sleepover. She got off the phone and looked at me. "SHE SAID YES!" Lauren yelled. We both   started squeal. The bell rang and we went to class. During English I began drawing on my arm when Lauren looked at me. "Wait dosn't your dad know Dawko" he voice was shaky. I didn't look up from my arm.
"(Y/N) you know I love Dawko. And I've never met a YouTube besides your dad."
I realized that Lauren was going to freak out if she met them.
"Lauren, we're staying with him for insomnia" I said looking at her. I hugged her so she would calm down. She took hold of my arm.
"Your obsessed with Bijuu Mike aren't you?" Lauren asked as she calmed down. I pulled my arm away. "Noooooo"
*end of school*
"Lauren's mom dropped her stuff of so you two can just come home" papa razz texted.
"K. We're walking back"

Papa Razz's orders (Razzbowski X Reader X Markiplier)Where stories live. Discover now