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We landed and I took out my phone and texted Mark.
"Cool. Call me when you can." He replyed.
We all went to the entrance of the airport and saw Lewis. Papa Razz went over and him and Lewis hugged.
Lauren hid behind me.
"(Y/N)!" Lewis shouted.
I ran over and hugged him, "Lewis!"
"And you must be Lauren." Lewis quieted down. I had never seen Lauren this shy. She smiled and looked at the ground.
"Hi." Lewis crouched down and looked at her. She waved slightly. I wanted to step in, but Papa Razz stopped me.
"I don't want you to be nervous. Anyone that is a friend of (Y/N)'s, is a great person unless proven otherwise." Lewis smiled at her. Lauren laughed and actually looked at him. I smiled.
Lauren and I sat in the back seat and Lewis and Papa Razz in the front seats.
"Alright, so Lauren." Lewis looked back.
"Y-ya." She looked at him.
"The Ryans are at my house right now waiting for us. We're going to go back to my house, hang out for a bit, and then go out for dinner. Sound good?"
We all answered in agreement to the plan. We drove and I looked around at the scenery I haven't see for a few months. England is so pretty and I love coming up and walking around. We pulled into the driveway of the familiar house. I got out and excitedly ran up to the door. It opened and 8Ryan ran at me and picked me up upside down.
"RYAN!" I yelled with a laugh.
"How are you (Y/N)?" He stood still and smirked at me.
"Ryan. Put her down." Papa Razz crossed his arms. 8Ryan looked down at me before setting me on the grass. I stood up and pushed 8Ryan as he walked. He looked back at me with a smirk on his face and his eyebrow raised.
"I'll get you back (Y/N)." He walked inside.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2017 ⏰

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