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I opened my eyes to see that I was in a beautiful forest. I was dreaming. I lifted my muzzle and scented a sweet scent
Mmm, I know this scent anywhere
Jayfeather followed the scent trail, then spotted a tortoiseshell she-cat
It's Spottedleaf
The once medicine cat of Thunderclan was padding towards him, she had a white glow around her body and her pelt shined from the moon
" A great change will come... " She said, with a calming tone in her voice
" A great change? What do you mean by that? "
I asked her, I was curious, I needed answers. She turned around and slowly disappeared
She was gone, and with that I woke up. I saw Leafpool sleeping, her chest lifting and falling I decided not to wake her up
Wait, I still need to tell Lionblaze and Hollyleaf that i can see!
I padded out the medicine cats den and looked for my siblings
Where are them when you need them
I then spotted Cloudtail and went up to him
" Hi Cloudtail, do you know where Lionblaze and Hollyleaf went? " I asked Cloudtail, looking at him in the eyes. I can see that he was pretty surprised that I was looking directly at him.
" Well um they went to the dawn patrol "
" Thank you Cloudtail! I'll look for them right now! "
His face was dumbfounded when I turned around and padded towards the Thunderclan tunnel and out to the forest. As I padded through the forest I snickered The look on Cloudtails' face was unbelievable!
I then pushed the ground with my hind legs sending clumps of dirt off the ground. I feel so good, so free!
I then scented the dawn patrol and froze. I saw a bush and slithered in it. I gazed at them and they were heading towards Thunderclans' direction, my eyes following them. As they passed the bush I pleaded to myself
Please don't let them see me
Please don't let them see me
Thank Starclan they didn't see me. I followed the dawn patrol bush by bush, and finally the one leading the patrol, Mousewhisker followed by Berrynose and Honeyfern and in the back was Hollyleaf and Lionblaze
As Mousewhisker, Berrynose, and Honeyfern entered the tunnel I then came out a bush I was hiding in
" Lionblaze, Hollyleaf! " I hissed at them. They stopped and looked at me
" Hi Jayfeather! " said Hollyleaf
" Hey Jayfeather " said Lionblaze
I'm so happy!
" Hollyleaf.... Lionblaze I need to tell you guys something! "
" What is it? " Lionblaze asked
My eyes were glinting with joy
" I can see "

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