The Prophecy

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I started to walk again, showers of rain falling on my pelt. Then I remembered something.
Lionblaze is at the Tribe of Rushing Water...

He was at the tribe along with Hollyleaf, Cloudtail, Brightheart,  and Thornclaw.  The reason why they all journeyed to the mountains was because Firestar,  leader of Thunderclan wanted to check how the Tribe was doing, since they had changed their ways in order to stay alive. He sent five of his warriors to go on the journey.

As Jayfeather stumbled upon the tunnel to Thunderclan,  he didn't know what to do. Then he thought of something.
I'm gonna have to change back the way I was

He hissed to himself at the thought of changing back to himself after all the work he put just to change. He turned around from the entrance to the Thunderclan camp, he decided to run towards the yew tree.
I can't let any warrior see me.. As Jayfeather ran through the woods towards the yew tree,  his paws feeling as if he was gliding on the ground. He scented other cats

It must be the border patrol..
Jayfeather threw himself in the undergrowth, leaving streaks of mud on his pelt,  but he didn't care about his pelt right now. All he wanted was for the border patrol to pass by so he can get to the yew tree.
The yew tree is the only place I can change back..

He then heard voices
“ I wonder how it felt when Firestar lost one of his lives at the abandoned twoleg nest. ” Jayfeather heard Berrynose's voice
“ You're acting like a kit! Only kits would ask that kind of question! ” he heard Hazeltail say. He had the opportunity to see who was in the patrol as it passed by. Berrynose and Hazeltail were in the back while Sandstorm was leading the patrol and behind her was Whitewing and Birchfall together. Jayfeather, still flattened to the ground and watching the patrol as it slowly vanished.  He let out a sigh of relief

Oh thank Starclan...
Jayfeather made a run for it,  he ran towards the yew tree feeling as if he were being chased,  he finally made it and plunged into the fallen thin branches and leaves of the yew tree,  covering himself.  Then,  Jayfeather looked at the sky and thought of himself,  his blue eyes and his tabby pelt. He was concentrated on himself and nothing else,  then the same strange wind came again. 

Ruffling his pelt and feeling as if he fell into the Windclan river,  again. He opened his eyes and look down at his paws,  they were back how they were. By that time the sun was setting and the moon was about to reveal silverpelt. I better get to Thunderclan camp before Leafpool notices I was gone for a long time..
But before that, he had to collect herbs so the clan would think he was out collecting herbs.  He padded out of the shelter of the yew tree and collected herbs and went to the Thunderclan tunnel, Jayfeather padded towards the medicine cats' den and met Leafpool there.  She was sorting out the herbs.
“ Hey Jayfeather ”
“ Hey Leafpool ” Jayfeather's voice was muffled and he dropped the herbs on the ground. Jayfeather helped Leafpool sort out the last of the herbs and went to his soft moss bedding. He went into a deep slumber and then suddenly opened his eyes to reveal the dark forest.  He was dreaming.

He walked through the forest and heard a noise,  he stopped and turned his head to his shoulder,  his eyes wide. He saw a cat, its pelt shined as the light of the moon hit its pelt.
Spottedleaf? ” Jayfeather called out.  The starry medicine cat stepped towards him

“ Danger will come ” The tortoiseshell she-cat said
“ What do you mean? ” Jayfeather saw that Spottedleaf was slowly disappearing
“ The Jay's bird will fly through the sky, as the lion fights the battle below with courage.” and with that,  the starry cat disappeared
Come back!  What do you mean?!”

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