
835 30 11

Florida, United States
March 2, 2017

Ria's POV

"I want you to meet some people," Weston said out of the blue.

"Um... who did you have in mind?" I asked.

"My friends Zach, Mario, Ariel, Mark, and Blake," he replied.

"What's so special about them?" I asked. "Not to be rude, but, I really don't need any other friends. I have plenty from where I am from, and trust me, and don't take this offensively, but they're... well... a lot more interesting," I said honestly.

"Oh yeah?" he laughed, "How?"

"Wizards, witches, werewolves, vampires, evil kings and queens, talking animals, shape-shifters, genies, and my best friend... Alice," I replied.

"Alice?" He asked intrigued.

"Yes, Alice," I stated.

"As in, Alice in Wonderland?" he asked excitedly.

"Well... in fewer words I suppose," I laugh.

"Are you serious?!" he yelled.

"Yes Weston, that Alice," I replied.

"THAT'S... ACTUALLY INSANE!" He said excitedly.

"Not really. She doesn't exactly age unless she enters the human world, much like any other magical creature," I replied.

"So you're saying that you're technically older than 15?" he asked a bit nervously.

"I'm afraid, that my age is not the matter at hand. Now... enough about my friends, this conversation started with yours, tell me about them. Or better yet, take me to them!" I said, I grabbed his hand and entered his mind.

Allow me to explain the human brain to you, in a way you can imagine. Everything you know, everything you've ever learned, everything you've heard, or seen, anything you've ever done, anyone you've ever met, it's all stored in a room filled with filing cabinets. I am currently walking through Weston's room of filing cabinets, searching for the one title "Friends." Lucky for me, it's one of the more recent cabinets.

What were the names he mentioned? Zach, Mario, Ariel, Mark, and Blake.

Good thing Weston is stupid enough not to have them organized by last name, or else, I'd be screwed. I pulled out the files for Zachary Clayton, Mario Selman, Ariel Martin, Mark Thomas, and Blake Gray.

I let go of Weston's hand and found myself back in reality.

"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU JUST DO?!" Weston yelled in pain, holding his head in his hands.

"I went inside your head, and look what I got!" I said waving the five files of information in his face.

"What are those?" he asked, still wincing in pain.

"Files about your friends. I went inside your mind to get them," I explained. "It says here that... Ariel Martin is from Pembroke Pines, Florida... so... that's where I've decided to start. Shall we be off then?" I said, grabbing his hand and telleporting us to Pembroke Pines.

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