
680 20 9

Pembroke Pines, Florida, United States
March 2, 2017

We arrived in front of a white bedroom door, which, without thinking, I immediately opened.

Trust me... I regreted it.

"Oh God!" I yelled, quickly shutting the door again. "Weston!" I whisper-yelled, "Your friend! If-if she was a virgin yesterday, she is CERTAINLY not today."

"What?!" he replied.

"Blond-blonde b-boy," I stuttered.

Weston smirked deviously as he walked closer to the door. He placed his ear on the side and knocked on it slightly. "Oh Ariellllll and Blakey-poo," he said in a sweetly mischievous tone.

We heard them running around. "Probably struggling to put on their clothes," I said in a disappointed/disgusted manner.

A short girl with freshly died short brown hair opened the door slightly. She saw Weston and opened it bigger in shock. "Weston?!" she shouted.

"Blake!" he said happily pushing past the girl and going to give the boy a hug.

"Weston, what the hell are you doing here? Better yet, how... why?" the girl who I assume is Ariel asked.

Weston looked to me as if to ask permission. I told him to wait. "What? I can't visit one of my best friends on a spontaneous surprise trip? Is that not aloud now?" he asked sarcastically.

Ariel looked puzzled, "Well of course... it's fine... I... I just wish you would have told me that you were coming first that's all," she replied.

"Well that wouldn't be a very good surprise now would it?" Weston smirked.

"No... I suppose not..." she sighed.

"Well, Wes, it's been fun seeing you and... your friend... who are you?" the boy asked me.

"Umm... I'm... uh... Ria," I replied nervously.

"Well Ria, Weston, it's been nice, but..." Ariel began before I cut her off. I now had a plan.

"See Wes, I told you that we shouldn't bother them with our new!" I said to him in a fake angry tone.

"Hmm?" he looked at me suspiciously.

"I got this," I whispered just so he could hear. "Weston and I were going to tell you guys first, but I guess you're too busy..."

"No! No... what is it?" Ariel said excitedly.

"We're dating!" Weston shouted.

All I had to say about that was...



*Laughs evily*

Sorry that this isn't long, but I'm in class writing this, so... you're welcome

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