Chapter 3

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The next day at school Emily told Skyla what happened the previous night and then asked "So did you do your homework then?"
"As a matter of fact I did!" Skyla replied as she pulled her homework from her bag before putting it into her locker "Wow!" Emily said as she took the very colourlerfull piece of geography homework from Skylas hand then handing the homework back she asked quietly " Can we talk about last night at like break or launch in private?" Skyla knew that Emily needed a friend so for her purpose she replied "lunch it is!"

When lunch came around Emily and Skyla went into the library sat at a table and started to talk "OK" Emily started "This morning on the news it talked about the death of a girl,Amy, and I think that she screamed last night. It was a girl who lived next to your street! So she must have woken up the whole street if I herd a scream like that!"
"Wait..hang on I never herd a scream and no one else did so how did you?"
"What!? But that's impossible!? I live like 5 blocks away from you and the smallest creek of a door wakes you up!?"
"See this is the kind of thing that happens if you have some kind of weird power."
"Power? Look at me! Give me one reason that makes me have a power!"
"OK you herd a scream that no one else herd last night!"

That night Emily lay in bed just staring at the ceiling. But all of a sudden she remembered a promise she made to Amy a few years ago. "I never want to see you again!" The younger Emily shouted "that's fine with me!" The young Amy shouted
"Is that a promise then Amy?!"
"Cross my heart and hope to die!!" Now back in the present Emily remembered that the day Amy died they saw each other in Primark "Oh my god." Emily whispered to herself. She snatched up her phone dialed Skylas number and "Hello."
"Skyla? Skyla?"
"Hey what? What happened?"
" I think I worked it out!"
"What? Ohh.......that thing!"

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