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Two minutes later, I've hastily cleaned myself on my shirt and have pulled my jeans on, officially freaking out as Brendon still has produced no answer as to why he has a dozen, secretly taken pictures of me.

Brendon has pulled boxers on, and we're both still a mess from what we just did. In a second, the atmosphere has changed from lust to mistrust. I still have the pictures in my hands, and I flip through them again and again.

"Why have you taken these?" I ask accusingly.

"Ryan, please, it's not what you think."

"How is this not what I think it is?" I snap. He's been following me around. How much does he know? He might have followed me to the Zoology Building, to one of my meetings with Pete. He's been stalking me, and I know I was the one who read his text messages behind his back, but that is entirely different from following him around all day with a goddamn camera!

I throw the stack of pictures on the floor, and they fly everywhere. "Explain!" I demand, pointing at them.

Brendon is at a loss for words, mouth opening and closing. I deserve to know what the hell is going on, and he better tell me. I feel violated, I'm shocked, and he better come up with an astounding explanation for this.

"Ryan," Brendon mumbles apologetically, giving me a pleading look.

"Explain this!" I repeat, but Brendon says nothing at all. "Alright then," I snap, angrier by the second. "Fine!"

I give him one last shocked look before I leave our room. I'm not gonna stay here if he's not honest with me, if he stalks me. It wasn't romantic when everyone claimed Spencer did it, it sure as hell is not romantic now.

Am I spying on Brendon? Or is he spying on me? Did Brendon take those pictures? How? When?


I decide to go to Spencer and Sisky's room to vent, because surprisingly enough, sometimes Spencer feels like the only sane person in this place. I'm on the first floor landing when I get stopped by Gabe coming up the stairs.

"Hey, Gabe, what's up?" I ask, realising that I am wearing my jeans and nothing else, but in a house with communal showers, no one really cares about half-nudity. I probably look like a mess; I mean, ten minutes ago, I was still sucking off Brendon, but I cleaned myself up, and Gabe doesn't seem to think much of my swollen lips.

Gabe gives me a sly smile, and I see he is carrying a bag of ice. "Ryan, you've got a great opportunity to contribute to the brotherhood," he informs me. "Where were you tonight?"

I frown. "I was hanging out with Spencer in his room earlier, then -"

"Gabe!" comes a shout. We turn to see Patrick hurrying up the stairs, an urgent look on his face.

"It's under control," Gabe assures him.

Patrick sighs in relief, though is obviously worked up. "I don't need another Collins case for Sigma Chi Beta right now."

"Bro, nothing like that," Gabe says reassuringly, and I wonder what the fuck is going on. "Ryan, Andy, Jon and I spent the evening in the common room, watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer reruns and drinking beer."

"Good. I saw you guys before I went out," Patrick nods. Gabe and Patrick both give me a look.

"Yeah, that's what happened," I agree with them.

"You remember that," Gabe says sternly. They quickly go to the second floor, speaking to each other in hushed voices.

Fuck, Brendon stalks, and I think I just gave someone an alibi without asking what the hell has happened.

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