Chapter One: Day of the Dino

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Several years after Evelyn and I uncovered the Dino Gems, I figured it was time for us to have a normal life.

"Dad, where we going?" Evelyn asks.

"We're going to Riverside High School." He said, "You need friends."

"Yeah, ok. But I still think things were weird since we left that isle." She said.

We approach the School yard and the school bell rang.

"Time to go." I said to her.

Evelyn sighs as she heads towards the classroom.


Great, a new School. What kind of friends I will make here?

As I walked through the classroom, a girl appears to me.

"Hi, you must be a new student right?" She asks.

"Uh, yeah, I am." I replied.

"Cassidy, stop it. She's new." A boy said, stopping her.

"Oh, Connor." she sighs.

Conner said, "Don't mind Cassidy. She's the school's news reporter and always want a new scoop. I'm Conner Knight, by the way."

"I'm Evelyn." I replied as I sat down in my seat.

"Hello, Students. I'm Principal Randall, and I hope you had a great summer vacation. Now be on your best behavior for your new science Teacher, Dr. Tommy Oliver."

What? My Dad is our Teacher?

He approaches to the class as I felt uneasy.

"Hey, you all right?" Conner asks.

"I know Dr. Oliver." I admitted.

"Really?" a boy with a blue jacket said.

"Yeah." I replied, "And you are?"


"Kira is my name." The girl next to me said.

"Nice to meet you both."

My Dad taught us about Dinosaurs and I got interested.

As the school ends, Conner walks up to me.

"Evelyn, wait up!"

I turned to him, "What's wrong?"

Connor was blushing, "I was wondering if I walked you home? I thought you can use-"

Monsters appear out of thin air.

"What the-" I began.


Great. Trying to impress a girl, enemies came out.

"Run!" I said.

We ran towards her house where we gasp for breath.

"What were those things anyway?" Evelyn asks.

"Beats me." I replied.

"Well, this is my house." She said, "I'll see you tomorrow at school?"

As I was about to reply, the door was opened, and it reveals to be...

"Dr. Oliver?!?" I gasped.

Evelyn looks embarrassed as she greets him.

"Hi." She said.

"Evelyn, where you been?" Dr. O ask.

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