Chapter 3

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Ashley stayed in her bed for almost the entire weekend, ignoring calls from her father and her friends, including Alex. She didn't really feel like beng sociable - it was the last thing on her mind. She sat in her room for two days trying to figure out a plan. How was she going to deal with these new babies that would now be running her fathers life? Sure, he rarely came around anyway, but now, with newborn twins in his house, Ashley expected to be seeing him about... Never. And at the moment, she didn't really mind that too much. She was still in a pretty downcast and angry mood by the time Monday rolled around. On the bus she stuck her headphones in her ears, put her hood up, and rested her forehead on the seat in front of her, hoping that none of her friends would try to sit with her. After a few minutes, though, she felt a presence next to her. She peered up slowly at the person sitting next to her. Of course, it was Alex, the only person she was comfortable crying in front of, which was not a good quality to have while sitting on a very public school bus. She pulled the headphones out of her ears.

"Hey, I called you a couple times this weekend, why didn't you answer?" He asked, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion and worry. Actually, you called 6 times (not that I was counting or anything), and I was too busy being extremely angry at my failure of a father. Ashley corrected him in her mind.

"I just had a lot of homework to do. I'm sorry. I hope you weren't too worried." Ashley lied to him for the third time in a row. I actually hope you did worry..

"No I wasn't worried, it's just that Mark, Madison and I were hanging out and she wanted to know if you could've come." Alex said. Ashley tried not to let the disappointment show on her face. She wished he had worried about her like he said the fist night he called. She wished she wouldn't have brushed him off so lightly. She wished she hadn't lied to him so much in the past few days.

He has his own life to deal with. He doesn't need mine, too. Plus, that's what a boyfriend is for, and he is definitely not my boyfriend, and doesn't have any intention of becoming my boyfriend.

"Hey, so I was wondering," He said with a half-smile that made Ashley's stomach fill with butterflies. "Who should I ask to the halloween dance?" The butterflies left as immediately as they came.

"I'm not sure. Who did you have in mind?" Ashley inquired, trying to sound uninterested.

Alex shrugged. "I don't know, I was hoping you'd know somebody that didn't have a date yet." Alex glanced at her sideways. It was Ashley's turn to shrug.

"No one that I know of." She said quietly.

"Who's taking you?" Alex asked.

"Oh, I don't think I'm going to go." Ashley said.

"Why not?"

"Dances aren't really my thing."

"Oh, come on, you have to go." Alex practically pleaded with Ashley to go, until she agreed that if someone asked her, she would go.

Now someone just has to ask me. I think that will be a long shot.


At the dance commitee meeting that day, Ashley and one of her friends, Tyler Mellon were asked to put up flyers around the school promoting the dance. They walked down the empty halls side by side, catching up on each others lives. They had known each other almost as long as Ashley had known Alex, but they never really became very good friends. Tyler had always seemed to have a crush on Ashley, and she couldn't help but think he was attractive. He was attractive, anyway, with sandy brown hair that was usually messed up - in a cute way - piercing gray eyes, defined muscles and striking features, he looked somewhat like a model. Ashley couldn't help but notice all of these things about Tyler.

Except Alex is 100 times more attractive than Tyler is. She thought with a small smile.

"So, Ashley, I was wondering, maybe you want to go to the dance with me?" Tyler asked shyly, somehow making him even more attractive. Ashley hesitated.

"Um, yeah, sure. But the dance isn't for 2 weeks." She reminded him.

"Well, then do you want to grab dinner and coffee sometime before then?" He asked.

"Tyler Mellon, are you asking me out on a date?" Ashley teased. He smiled back playfully at her.

"Only if you want me to" He winked and smiled wider. Ashley blushed. Alex flashed in her mind but she pushed the thought of him out.

He missed his many, many chances to ask me to this dance AND out on dates. I've got to move on sometime. Plus, he obviously just sees me as a friend, he wasn't worried about me at all this weekend.

"Sure, why not?" Ashley said with a smile.

"I'll take it. How about tomorrow night?" Tyler said, lightly nudging her arm as they walked down the hall to the next bulliten board. Ashley smiled, her arm tingling where he had just touched her.

"Sure." Ashley said, still smiling.

"Great. It's a date." Tyler grinned at her and they continued putting up flyers, playfully teasing each other and talking about life.

See, now I can TELL that Tyler likes me. WHY is it so easy with him but Alex can barely even remind me that we're best friends sometimes? Oh well. It's time to forget him. If he can't ask me out on his own, he doesn't deserve to go out with me!

At the end of the day, Ashley sat and waited for the late bus, and as usual, it never came. She walked slowly through the parking lot in the direction of her house. She heard a voice call out to her.

"Ashley?" She squinted in the darkening light to see who it was. She made out a tall, skinny figure in the distance. As she got closer, she realized it was Tyler.

"Oh, hey!" She said, smiling as she walked up to him

"What are you still doing here?" He questioned.

"The late bus never comes, I usually walk home." Ashley laughed lightly, as if to say it was no big deal.

"Wow, that's not okay. Let me give you a ride home." Tyler said.

"Oh no, I couldn't. I'm sure you're late for... Something." Ashley said, not really wanting to impose.

"I insist. Please, just let me give you one ride." Tyler pleaded.

"Okay, fine." Ashley gave in, plopping in his car and setting her bag in between her feet. He sat down and started up the engine. As he drove away, he seemed to be uneasy about something.

"Is everything okay? You seem nervous" Ashley asked, wondering what could ever make this gorgeous boy nervous. He looked at her sideways, a half smile playing at his lips.

"I just... I just like you Ashley. I like you a lot. I don't really remember a time when I haven't." He confessed, making Ashley's heart race. She smiled.

"I like you a lot, too, Tyler." She admitted. And it was the truth. For the first time in 7 years, she realized that Alex wasn't the only boy she had feelings for.

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