Chapter 20 - The End.

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This is the end of this book, I will make another one I just didn't want the story to drag on and on without end. So book 2 is probably coming very soon. (:


Ashley woke up the next day, happier than she had been in a long time. She knew that she didn't like Tyler anymore, even though she was going to miss him. She jumped out of bed and got ready for school quickly, throwing her hair up into a bun after her shower. She put on light makeup, just foundation and mascara, and got dressed in a gray sweater, skinny jeans, a bright blue scarf, and short, gray boots. She grabbed her bags, throwing her jacket on and headed out to the bus stop, excited to see Madison and tell her everything about yesterday. When she arrived, Madison was standing with Mark and Alex, talking and laughing with them.

"Hey guys!" Ashley said as she approached them. Madison grinned and hugged her.

"Hey! I feel like I haven't seen you in forever!" She said. They let go and laughed at each other.

"Except you saw me on Friday." Ashley said.

"Well, after spending two weeks with you it's kinda weird to not see you every day." Madison said. Ashley brushed it off.

"Well, whatever, I've got things to tell you." Ashley said, smiling to herself. Alex's and Mark's ears perked up at that.

"What have you got to tell her?" Mark asked, turning his attention towards Ashley. Alex did the same.

"Yeah, what?" He chimed in. Ashley blushed and smiled.

"Um.. Well, I hung out with Tyler last night... He's moving to Denver and I just wanted to be nice and show him that we're just friends and that I don't like him, but I want us to be okay, so I helped him pack up his room and we hung out and stuff." Ashley began explaining, and got a glare from Madison.

"Why would you hang out with him after everything?" She asked, astounded.

"Yeah, you don't want to fall for him again, do you?" Mark asked. Alex just stood there, a solemn look on his face. He obviously hadn't known that Ashley would ever go see Tyler, especially after the way she treated him when he showed up at her house.

"See, there's no chance of that happening, because I don't like him anymore." Ashley said.

"How can you be so sure?" Madison asked. Ashley blushed again.

"Just trust me." Ashley said, not really wanting to spill all the deatils in front of Alex and Mark.

"No, just tell me." She pushed, wanting to know. Ashley shot her a look, but she ignored it. She sighed.

"He kissed me.." She said, and was about to explain more when Alex and Mark grumbled something about 'girl talk' and 'gross', Alex looking furious, and walked away. Madison was about to say something, but Ashley held her hand up.

"Don't. Just let me explain." Ashley said. Madison shut up and nodded as the bus pulled up. They hopped on and sat down, and Ashley started to explain.

"I started feeling guilty about how terribly I've been treating Tyler since everything, and I thought it had been long enough, so I called him and asked if we could hang out. I went to his house to help him pack some things up from his room, and I kinda was thinking that I was just going to let myself figure out how I felt about him, and then he kissed me, and I felt nothing. So I don't like him anymore." Ashley explained, in short detail. Madison looked relieved.

"Good. I was thinking you were going crazy." She said. Ashley laughed.

"I just wanted things to end on a good note, he's moving tomorrow. I'm never going to see him again, and I don't want him to be that 'what if' person. I don't want him to feel that about me, either. I just want us to move on without wondering. And now we can." Ashley said. Madison nodded and they fell into a comfortable silence, each getting lost in their own thoughts.

To be or not to be? (Book #1)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant