Lessons || Chapter 17

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The monster fled. How did this even take place? Calvin now plastered every newsflash, but no one suspected my hideout for whatever reason. Thank God. Still, I'd fired every single suspect bodyguard on the premises after reviewing each crumb of this place with my appointed specialists.

Obviously, I never trusted cops anymore. Especially the cracker who grilled Leslie at the precinct. He'd arrested Calvin alongside this crooked black man of all people. I'd never realized that one of our own could be so damn cold. What even happened to brotherly love?

All kinds of press conferences and observations littered the television I'd barely watched now as my boots paced back and forth in the office. Heaving in that usual panic, I looked up find Denise standing in the doorway. Across the way, she folded both arms and I sniffled through frustrated tears. Her frown only deepened my emotional state.

"We found her." Denise whispered throughout the silence. Most doors had been shut here in the name of my privacy. Not even music blaring outside the office could stop my heart from pounding like the biggest drum on Earth.

"You found Leslie? Where?" I asked. She now perched onto the edge of my desk. Her pants hardly missed the bordered frame of Tricky, Piglet and me.

The silence returned before Denise cleared her throat and scooted off my desk. The heels of her boots clicked with a thud as soon as she slipped back onto the ground. I'd been surprised that she didn't fall right down. Maybe cat-like reflexes or something.

"Morris found her in Los Angeles after talking to some people, but he's still here. That's all I know. Anyway, do you think someone should go find out if she's okay?" Denise had turned to face me and crossed both arms. I didn't know what to think while she clicked back those heels, either.

"If anything, it should be you. It's been a long time since you've traveled anyway and very few people recognize your face in particular." I suggested, picking up the frame nearby on this desk. "If I go, you can kiss this place goodbye."

"Fine." Denise answered without hesitation. A smirk crept onto her otherwise nervous face. I could only stare down again, but my head sometimes nodded to the sound of muffled rhythms. Denise continued speaking. "I'll pack tonight and fly out of here tomorrow. I just hope she's safe."

I sighed and quickly rubbed down my face. "You still don't trust Yvonne? She's been around all this time and you're still annoyed? Why? She's saved me on numerous occasions and hasn't said anything about this place. What's your problem, Denise?"

"Nothing." she huffed, tossing up both hands.

Her boots clicked away before I could mumble anything else. She'd pushed the door open, exposing a record. "Sweet Thing" by Chaka Khan had been a favorite of mine since high school, but I'd never forget when that same tune blared during that New Year's Eve party. Leslie and I had been inseparable and even sang to each other.

Now, I'd finally see my baby again after all this time. But even waiting for Denise to return with news dragged. Even if she wouldn't leave this place until tomorrow. I wondered if she'd home in California, or at least adjusted well in that new location.

At the same time, my heart still turned every time Calvin reached my thoughts. That worthless piece of shit murdered the first man Leslie ever loved: her father. As mentioned, I've sinned in the past, but that deed had been an entirely new low. I'd felt even more wounded since Tricky passed, but drowning with grief never worked as an option.

I could only wait for things to unfold.



My eyes popped out at the sight of Denise browsing in a store window. Both Yvonne and I nearly panicked and rushed in to see her. Curious more than anything. Worried but not scared. Denise had been sifting through lingerie as expected, but I decided to creep behind her. Yvonne browsed on her own, as if completely unaware of this reunion.

When I place my hand on Denise's shoulder, she yelped to the sound of Madonna blaring overhead. A sly grin crept onto my face when she finally turned around on her heels and yelped like a little girl on the playground before rocking me with that trademark hug.

This time, Coke did not leave flurry trails up her prefect nose. She'd been clean for quite some time and the last time I checked, never pulled a trigger since 82. I'd never felt so proud to see my sister and nearly cried in her arms at this moment.

We continued rocking in this embrace until she pulled away to hold both of my hands. Tears stained my glasses out of joy. She held my face with both hands in total silence, somehow looking at me like a proud mama. I surely felt the same right now. She had no idea.

"What are you doing here?" I squeaked. My head turned and noticed Yvonne sifting through the same clothes with a lifeless expression on her face. I didn't know what to think, but continued speaking to my sister.

"Nelson worried about you, so we did some investigating and here I am." Denise offered to smile, but I nudged her, increasingly frustrated.

"You could be arrested." I clenched my teeth. "If police find who you are, they'll catch Nelson for sure."

"Don't worry." Denise tried to reassure my beating heart. Yvonne remained cold for whatever reason not too far away. I honestly rolled my eyes. "He's still at the compound, but it's tough being there without you."

I scoffed, finally pulling away from her. The music continued blasting. "He's had you long before I showed up. I don't matter to anymore."

I beckoned Yvonne and we marched out of the store without any purchases. Denise had followed us, but I could've cared less. 

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