Lessons || Chapter 19

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Someone bailed out Calvin.

That monster should've rotted in his jail cell until a court date, but this just happened. Ma prayed with me. Dad looked out his window every single day before and after work. Even throughout this growing holiday season, I'd never felt so scared in my life. For all we knew, my family could've been next.

And I could only hope that Leslie had been safe, wherever she was. Not even the Christmas decorations all around could perk me up. I lowered my head, somehow feeling guilty. We all couldn't just sit around and possibly wait for headlines to announce that Leslie died. I couldn't stomach that.

If only there was contact information. At the same time, that idea couldn't work. The ladies never hinted at a zip code before leaving. Even our college wouldn't divulge if I tried. Too much risk for students. Like I've said, even this holiday cheer couldn't ease my scared thoughts.

Did Calvin find Leslie at this moment? Where did she go with Yvonne? Who'd been sick enough to even bail Calvin out?

Alone for the day, I hurried out of this apartment. My steps crushed ice on the sidewalk. I'd planned to run several blocks to see Darryl. Maybe he didn't learn about this update yet. Cold air showed itself every time I breathed through my nose. After a while, I finally stopped at the Jackson brownstone. My body shivered, even though I picked many bundles to wear that day. Ma wouldn't accept anything else.

All kinds of snow dripped on my bundles while I looked for apartment 58. My covered hand knocked respectfully on the door and I nervously bounced in place waiting for somebody to answer. If only the hallway warmed up by now. I'd been convinced that a furnace broke down in one way or another.

Just when I planned to walk away, his sister Rebbie answered. A headband rounded her dark hair, but she noticed my scared eyes more than anything else. Without a word, she let me walk through. I found this tiny apartment crammed sibling after sibling.

Darryl and Janet busied themselves with television. Jackie and Tito gossiped or something at the kitchen table. Jackie and Marlon probably bunked in the nearest bedroom. Latoya and Jermaine stood by small bookshelf near the television.

Mr. and Mrs. Jackson argued somewhere, but I couldn't tell the spot. Given all the drama we'd dealt somehow, I couldn't blame these parents. My mother and father argued too after police left our house. Rebbie and I followed each other into the living room until Darryl turned around. By the look on my face, he understood my fear and excused himself from his little sister. Everybody else didn't move, almost like this was normal.

His two brothers excused themselves from us without greetings. This was no time for happiness, even with the holidays moving along right now. Rebbie disappeared from us out of respect, too. I lowered my heard, keeping words low. Scaring everybody had been the last thing on my mind right now.

"I have something to tell you." I whispered. Darryl squinted before I could answer. Even with the noise, my heart pounded over and over again.

"What, Max? You look sick." Darryl told me.

"I know. That's what I wanted to talk about. It's about...Calvin." I held back at first. Darryl's eyes popped as soon as I said that name again. Every bit of fear he hoped to avoid came right back. Almost like that monster came back from the dead or something.

"He's in police custody, Max. I know you're scared, but don't worry. He's locked up. For real." Darryl patted my shoulder for a second and I pretended to smile.

But when I frowned again, Darryl almost panicked without a word. He leaned in close, but not uncomfortably and I whispered to him. If I remember correctly, one tear dripped just before I came out with the truth.

"Somebody bailed Calvin out, my nigga. I heard it on the news." Before I could say anything else, Darryl jumped from this table and ran toward his parents' bedroom. I didn't know what to think until he pounded against the door with madness. His siblings just stopped talking altogether.

"Joseph! Joseph!" Darryl screamed out loud. Mr. Jackson yanked the door open seconds later. A cold stare reached his surprisingly blue eyes. Mrs. Jackson seemed to limp her way out of the bedroom, but her husband stopped her just by whispering. The father and son rushed inside to chat and Mrs. Jackson stood by me on limp steps.

As much as I had to tell the truth, it wasn't my place in the end. Only Mr. Jackson was the man of this house. I walked right next to Mrs. Jackson without a word, but refused dinner leftovers when she offered. I'd lost hunger since the news broke anyway. She limped to Darryl's chair at the kitchen table. I carried her tea out of respect. I'd felt awful about her walk since Darryl and I grew up together.



The entire family crammed this living room as soon as Joseph slammed his bedroom door. Mother limped toward a cushioned chair nearby. I held her veined hand, praying to Jehovah. My sisters paled with fear. My bothers wrinkled concerned eyebrows.

Joseph stood in front of us, clearing his throat. For once, I noticed fear in his brown eyes. Not one person uttered before my father spoke.

"Someone bailed out Calvin Smith this morning." Joseph concentrated on us without reluctance. His eyes never blinked through tears. Yelping of my sisters echoed.

Just when my brothers meant to panic with rage, Joseph stopped everyone. My sisters held onto each other. Tears streamed down the beautiful faces that resembled Mother. My mother whispered prayers over and over. I bowed my head, crying without the shame of my father looking. So many questions rang though my mind.

But I mostly hoped that Leslie didn't pass away.

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