Lessons || Chapter 26

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I've never heard anyone curse so often in two days. The Kid paced back and forth just grumbling ever since we all made it back to the compound. Only Janet covered me and Max every time our parents seemed to question things. If she just kept things quiet, we'd rid of Calvin and Marcus without any further hassle. At the same time, I knew better now. Leslie and Yvonne dodging rescue just wounded our already hazardous circumstances.

The Kid trashed his office and my steps evaded tracking papers among other items with filth. Max and I had wanted to avoid him since coming back, but he'd always reconvene, trying to brainstorm other ways to fix the situation we dealt with now. And every time, he'd fling something hard toward the wall and huff back into his favorite chair. Hendrix or even Funkadelic sometimes blared from a massive stereo system just outside his wide-open doors.

I guess loud music calmed his frazzle mind given the intense situation, but Max and I decided to avoid questioning our new boss. In one way or another, Nelson assumed that role even since we marched into his compound, but I still knew how to shoot a pistol and defend myself.

Max and I roomed together again in a space that almost resembled wartime barracks. I'd guess that Nelson enjoyed underground for a reason. We bundled almost every night and day just to keep warm if the furnaces knocked out, but I'd gotten used to the chills. Fortunately, one convenient phone plugged into the wall across from our bunkbed. Even bathrooms were down the hall and none of the security grilled us anymore. We all packed defense throughout the long hours of seclusion, but no one jumped at the sight of open-carry for obvious reasons.

Max and I planned to sleep one night when Morris rushed in. His arms flailed back and forth like a windmill and Max and almost cackled out loud Morris almost looked like a woman as this scarf wrapped around his hair. I somehow blinked away growing exhaustion in his eyes and my friend snapped out of his amused behavior. Neither of us could think of what conjured in the mind of his arrogant but flashy gangster.

"What's going on, Morris?" I whispered through fury. "It's almost one in the morning." Max topped his head with that favorite leather hat despite pajamas. I only brushed off his choice.

"Yvonne got shot!" Morris heaved back, holding onto his knees from obvious running. Usual air chilled as near us, but I didn't mind as expected. Instead, I grew pale. Max plopped onto the bunk underneath mine and lowered his head. My heart pumped louder than ever. Morris just tossed up both hands, shocked and furious at all once.

"We should've just dragged those two out. Then, Yvonne wouldn't be in the hospital and Leslie wouldn't be alone. Women make me sick." Morris spat. I narrowed both eyes immediately. Out of nowhere, Max revealed his gun and set it right under Morris's chin. I tossed up both hands without fear at the sound of Morris just being sexist and ignorant.

"What the hell did you just say about those queens, Morris?" Max clenched his teeth. Morris shook through every breath and shut both eyes with both hands in the air.

"Yo, Max. I just said it'd be easier if we just told them to get out. Being nice don't work with Leslie, my brother. Come on, you..." Morris stopped to gulp and I even noticed when saliva moved right down this Adam's Apple. "You gotta know something. The ladies we've dealt with turned out to be just as cold as Nelson, if not worse. Leslie just snapped."

Max pushed his gun deeper into the skin of his chin with pulling any trigger. I rolled my eyes looking down from the top bunk. Florescent lights almost blinded overhead. Never did I turned away from this possible scene of death. If given the wrong message, Max would kill someone for the first time ever. I've grazed people in my short time this mafia, but never flat-out assassinated.

"He wants to get her. Now." Morris trembled again and Max set down his weapon before stepping backward. The gun now secured in a private spot with my own firearm. One punched-in code led to our safety and defense in this very room. Max and Morris shared a quick handshake or two before I found myself rushing to leave this place.




Marcus grazed Yvonne terribly.

I'd paced back and forth in a hospital corridor. Panic rushed into me for obvious reasons. What if he killed her as I slept? What I woke the next morning alone? What if paramedics lifted her bleeding body for a gurney when I opened my door at sunlight?

These racing questions never stopped until later in the week. A Black nurse pushed up her glasses and welcomed into Vonnie's room. My heart stopped at the view in front of me. I'd never seen her so exhausted and wounded before this intense moment. Her wired-up body strained to posture upright at the sight of me and my eyes immediately circled on her bandaged right arm. An IV properly propped behind her pillows and the hospital bed itself.

"I'm so sorry, Piglet." Vonnie whispered in a broken voice. I shook my head, frustrated with myself. One dark and long braid rested on her left shoulder. While tears stained my hysterical face, I pushed the door open and rushed out of that hospital.

At this point, my dead body should've bled out on this hygienic floor. 

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